Name: Jaska
Species: Falleen
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Green
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Revanchists, Galactic Republic, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Mandalorian Knights
Move: 10
Armor Weapons: 2D+2
Blaster: 3D+2
Brawling Parry: 4D
Dodge: 5D+2
Lightsaber: 6D+2
Bargain: 4D+1
Investigation: 4D
Persuasion: 4D+1
Search: 5D+1
Sneak: 4D+2
Intimidation: 3D+2
Languages: 4D
Scholar (Jedi Lore): 5D+2
Streetwise: 5D+1
Brawling: 5D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 4D
Communications: 3D+2
Jetpack Operations: 4D
Repulsorlift Operations: 4D+1
First Aid: 4D+2
Lightsaber Repair: 5D
Force Skills:
Control: 6D+2
Sense: 6D
Alter: 6D+1
Force Powers: Accelerate Healing, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Farseeing, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Affect Mind, Projected Fighting, Dim Other's Senses, Lesser Force Shield
Attraction Pheromones: Exuding special pheromones and changing skin color, Falleen can increase their persuasion skill +1D, and for each hour of preparation gain an additional +1D for each hour spend preparing, for a maximum of +3D. The attempt must be made within one hour of preparation.
Amphibious: Falleen can "breathe" water for up to 12 hours. They receive a +1D to any swimming skill checks.
Story Factors:
Rare: Falleen are rarely seen throughout the galaxy since the Imperial blockade in their system severely limited travel to and from their homeworld.
Lightsaber (5D), Jedi robes, Comlink, Utility Belt, Mandalorian Armour (2D vs Physical, 1D vs Energy), Jet Pack
Description: Jaska was a female Falleen Jedi Knight who eschewed Jedi teachings for Mandalorian culture during the Mandalorian Wars. Believing that the Galactic Republic was corrupt, she became a member of Jedi Master Dorjander Kace's Mandalorian Knights, a rogue faction of the Jedi Order that sought to help the Mandalorians win the war and become better rulers of the galaxy with the guidance of the Jedi. Joining the Revanchist movement, an organization of Jedi who aided the Republic war effort, Jaska and the Mandalorian Knights participated in a battle on the planet Essien in 3962 BBY. During the engagement, she and her fellow Knights were able to use deception to lead the Phaeda Militia, the unit under their command, into Mandalorian captivity and seize the Republic command ship, the Axehead frigate Reciprocity.
After successful attacks on the planet Halthor and the space station Phaedacomm, Jaska followed Kace in the final step of his campaign—the capture of Jedi trainees on the planet Dantooine, with the purpose of converting them into future Mandalorian Knights. Jaska and the Mandalorian soldiers attacked the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. However, Kace's plans were foiled by the Phaeda Militia, and particularly by former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick. Jaska and the Mandalorian Knights were captured and faced public trial for their treason against the Republic.
Personality and traits
Jaska had green skin, brown eyes, and black hair, styled in a dreadlocked ponytail. By the height of the Mandalorian Wars, Jaska started to believe that the Galactic Republic had become too corrupt and that being a Jedi ultimately equaled merely protecting the Republic's wealth, something she did not agree with. Therefore, she readily accepted Dorjander Kace's offer to join the ranks of the Mandalorian Knights. Alongside other Knights, she believed that they had been wasting their lives on small tasks for the Order until Kace gave them purpose. Jaska held high respect for her mentor, calling him "Master Kace," even though he asked her countless times to call him by his first name, trying to teach Jaska that they were all equal among the Mandalorians.
Powers and abilities
Trained as a Jedi Knight, Jaska was skilled at using her lightsaber in battle, which she demonstrated while fighting on Phaedacomm and Dantooine. As a Mandalorian Knight, Jaska wore a suit of gray Mandalorian armor, donned with green markings and equipped with a jetpack, and wielded the same bronze-colored lightsaber as the other members of Kace's faction. On Dantooine, Jaska also demonstrated her affinity with the Force, using telekinesis to stop two Younglings from escaping the Mandalorian attack. Additionally, Jaska was able to pilot a speeder bike.