Name: Nautolan Tow Ship Pilot
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Male
Eye color: Black
Skin color: Yellow
Blaster: 3D+2
Brawling Parry: 4D
Dodge: 4D
Bureaucracy: 4D
Business: 3D+2
Planetary systems: 4D+2
Languages: 4D+2
Bargain: 4D+2
Brawling: 3D+2
Astrogation: 3D+2
Communications: 3D+2
Space Transports: 4D
Starship Weapons: 4D+2
Sensors: 5D+1
Capital Ship Repair: 4D
Space Transport Repair: 4D+1
Security: 3D
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Special Abilities:
Aquatic: Nautolans are naturally amphibious, allowing them to breath underwater or above with equal skill. They are fast swimmer, gaining a bonus +1D to all swimming rolls.
Bony Endoskeleton and Dense Cartilage: Capable of handling the crushing pressures of deep underwater, Nautolan bodies are resistant to glancing blows, gaining +1D to resist impact damage such as punches and clubs, but offering no help against cutting weapons or energy weapons.
Low Light Vision: Nautolan eyes can see extremely well in low light conditions, giving +1D to compensate for low light conditions. However this offers no help in full darkness.
Story Factors:
Famed Musicians: Nautolan music is famed throughout the galaxy, and can be found on many worlds, and is highly sought after by music connoisseurs.
Non Verbal Communication: Nautolans can communicate without words with each other, by non verbal means such as reading the swirls in each others eyes, and sensing pheromones. While some of this may be spotted by other species, much of it is beyond the sensing capabilities of non-Nautolans.
200 Credits
Blaster Pistol (4D), Comlink, Pilot Clothes, Tow Ship, Music Player
Description: A Nautolan was a tow ship pilot on the planet Rex Strata during the High Republic Era. After Inaya and Nash Durango came back with the new parts of her ship, they discovered a Tow ship towing away Inaya's starship. The Nautolan pilot of the tow ship was listening to music through his headphone and cannot hear them.