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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Kroop Bird
Classification: Avian
Skin color: Gray, Purple
Feather color: Gray, Purple
Eye color: Hazel
Homeworld: Omaka
Habitat: Mountains
Diet: Gomgourd

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 3D

Special Abilities
        Large Beak: Although not particularly dangerous or hostile to human sized targets, Kroop Birds are capable of a nasty bite which does Str+1D damage.
        Instinctive Gardiners: Kroop Birds like Gomgourds above all other foods, and tend to nest on cliff faces. The seeds from the Gomgourds pass in their waste onto the ground beneath their nests and are fertilised and protected from other predators by the Kroop Birds, leading to patches of Gomgourds growing beneath their nests.

Move: 20 (Flying), 7 (Walking)
Orneriness: 2D

Description: Kroop birds were bipedal avian creatures indigenous to the planet Omaka. The birds lived in flocks, building tubular nests into the sides of mountainous paths. Although they typically kept to their mountain habitats, where they fed on wild gomgourds, kroop birds would occasionally fly to other locations for food. In general, Omaka locals were weary of kroop birds.
IAround 232 BBY, a flock of kroop birds pursued the human girl Fiorna and her pack droid HM-7 from the mountain to the child's town as the local farmers prepared their Dunkutu Day feast. The birds, intent on recovering gomgourds stolen from their home, caused significant damage to the festival preparations. The child and the Pooba Jedi Initiate Nubs returned to the kroop birds' mountain home to pick more wild gomgourds, the youths unaware that the gomgourds belonged to the birds. Eventually, after the flock launched their defenses against the would-be thieves, Nubs realized that the gomgourds were a key food source for the flock, and the two children playfully fed the gourds to their newfound avian friends.

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