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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Crystal Web Spider
Designation: Non-sentient
Classification: Spider
Subspecies: Spider-King
Skin color: Purple, Blue
Hair color: Brown, White
Eye color: Purple
Diet: Biscuits

Dexterity: 4D
Perception: 2D
Strength: 2D

Special Abilities:
        Bite: Crystal Web Spiders are capable of a dangerous bite (STR+1D).
        Web: Crystal Web Spiders are capable of making a web which is strong and capable of carrying their weight or the weight of most sentients (Str 2D), and they used webs to capture and hold their prey.

Move: 7

Description: Crystal web spiders were a species of spider known for their extremely adhesive crystalline webs. Not only were their webs notably sticky, but also strong enough that a training lightsaber could not cut through it. A full-power lightsaber, however, could slice through their webs. The crystal web spider species included the much larger Spider-King.
Around 231 BBY, a large number of crystal web spiders aboard the starship of safari droid SF-R3 ("Aree") were accidentally released by Jedi Initiate Kai Brightstar into the Tenoo Jedi Temple after the boy was spooked by the Spider-King. Brightstar and Aree, with the help of fellow Initiates Lys Solay and Nubs used biscuits the spiders enjoyed to lure the spiders back onto Aree's ship. With Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna and her Padawan Wes Vinik away on a mission, the spiders quickly managed to weave numerous webs around the temple, entrapping many of its inhabitants. In spite of his fear, Brightstar, the Initiates, and Aree successfully recovered the spiders before the Spider-King completed his nest, allowing Aree to transport them to their new home.

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