Name: Maz Kanata {as of the High Republic Era}
Homeworld: Takodana
Born: 973 BBY
Species: An alien species
Gender: Female
Height: 1.24 meters (4ft 1in)
Hair color: White
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Orange
Move: 8
Blaster: 5D+2
Brawling Parry: 4D+1
Dodge: 5D+2
Melee Combat: 4D+2
Melee Parry: 5D+1
Bargain: 6D+2
Command: 5D+2
Hide: 5D+1
Persuasion: 6D+2
Search: 6D
Sneak: 5D+1
Alien Species: 5D+1
Cultures: 5D
Intimidation: 5D+1
Languages: 6D+1
Planetary Systems: 7D+1
Scholar (Jedi Lore): 5D
Scholar (Sith Lore): 5D
Streetwise: 7D+1
Tactics: 5D+1
Value: 7D+2
Willpower: 7D
Brawling: 4D+1
Climbing/Jumping: 5D+2
Astrogation: 5D+1
Jetpack Operation: 4D+1
Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
Space Transports: 5D+2
Starship Gunnery: 5D
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D+1
Droid Progamming/Repair: 4D
Space Transport Repair: 4D+2
Capital Ship Repair: 4D
Repulsorlift Repair: 4D+1
Security: 5D
Equipment: Starships, Variable Lens Corrective Goggles, silver-buckled belt suspended an assortment of technology (including a compact blaster pistol), Jet Pack (20 charges, 100m/charge), Ocular Goggles (+1 to spot details),
Description: Maz Kanata, also known as Maz Kanata the Usurper, Kanata the Despoiler, Kanata the Benevolent, and Kanata of the Free Fleet, was a Force-sensitive humanoid female, who was born over a millennium before the brewing war between the First Order and the Resistance. Living in an ancient castle on the planet Takodana, Kanata gained a reputation as a "pirate queen" by allowing traveling smugglers to reside in her home—as long as they honored her prohibitions against politics and war. Kanata spent centuries traveling the galaxy, collecting antiques and trinkets, which she kept inside the storehouses and vaults of her castle.
Born over a millennium before the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, in 973 BBY, Maz Kanata was a Force-sensitive female who learned to live and thrive in the criminal underworld of the galaxy. Living on her homeworld, the planet Takodana, Kanata resided in a lakeside castle which was a battleground between ancient Jedi and Sith,
A thousand years before the First Order–Resistance conflict, Kanata became reputed as a "pirate queen," giving credits, equipment, and connections to young smugglers, often allowing them a day in her home for free or a long-term stay for rent. She held sway over more than a thousand ports when the Galactic Republic was still young. In addition to hosting smugglers and pirates, Kanata housed traveling musicians, and she hired a majordomo who oversaw the castle's activities and a kitchen crew headed by the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs, who stayed with Kanata's castle for centuries.
Unlike her chef, however, Kanata spent centuries of her life traveling the galaxy collecting antiques and other treasures. She kept her collection of countless trinkets in the storehouses and vaults of her castle, and she protected items that spoke to her through the Force, believing that relics from the past could impact the future. In addition to these items, she had come into possession of other numerous treasures which she then stored within buried vaults armed with antitamper subspace alarms located all across the galaxy. She began to designate the locations on her Smuggler's Guide, a logbook of her own making. At some point, Kanata was part of the Free Fleet.
High Republic Era
During the High Republic Era, three criminals delivered a baby Aloxian to Takodana Castle hoping that she would be able to handle him, the criminals themselves having become terrified of the child. Initially assuming that the three were up to shenanigans, Kanata was surprised when she opened the box to find the infant Qort inside. Bringing him inside the castle, Kanata enlisted the help of her loadlifter droid steward HURID-327, but despite HURID's best efforts Qort would not stop crying.
When Kanata went off to get some milk to feed the child with, Qort used his natural strength and untrained Force powers to incapacitate the droid, leaving him in pieces on the floor, before escaping to Takodana Castle's basement storerooms. There, Qort found a vonduun crab skull Kanata had been given by her friend Farks, putting it on just before Kanata found him, having been directed after the child by HURID. Calmed by the helmet, Qort would not remove it and did not destroy anything else.
Trying to discover the origins of the child, Kanata called on Farks for information about the skull, and the Patrolian told her about the Aloxians and the importance of the helmets to their culture. Farks further speculated that the child had been kidnapped by Argoban raiders, who were known for such practices. Kanata, deciding that the information changed things, decided to get some assistance from Sav Malagán, a Jedi Master stationed at the nearby Jedi Temple and a long-time friend of hers. Qort's Force-sensitivity was eventually discovered, and he was taken in by the Jedi Order.
Years later, following a debacle at Vrant Tarnum by Krix Kamerat, the leader of a Nihil specialized cell, the Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro ordered him to find a way to prove himself after, who chose to attack Takodana, which had a Jedi Temple, in the hopes of destroying the temple and demonstrating to the Maz Kanata that the Nihil were the only true marauders in the area. The lone Jedi at the Takodana temple, Malagán, was able to drive off the first wave of the attack, but called for reinforcements from Starlight Beacon as she knew the Nihil would return.
Kanata and Malagán soon welcomed a group of Jedi Padawan reinforcements that arrived from the Star Hopper to the temple, which included Qort. The Padawans helped set up defenses at the temple. Due to Nihil infiltration, the temple was destroyed, and along with it, Qort's mask. With the block on his abilities removed, Qort took to the skies and fought off the Nihil with his lightsaber as Kanata and Malagán watched on.
At some point, Kanata went on many adventures with Marlaa Jinara during the High Republic Era. Prior or during 232 BBY, Kanata and Jinara used Cardogian honey to catch Giant buzzer bees on Borlax 14. During 232 BBY, Kanata traveled to the planet Tenoo to get her jet pack fixed by Jinara, who lived there. Eventually the jet pack malfunctioned and caused chaos around Jinara's junkyard. By the help of Jedi youngling Kai Brightstar, they eventually retrieved the jet pack after it crashed landed in a nearby forest.
Personality and traits
Kanata was a humanoid alien who stood at a height of 1.24 meters (4 feet and 1 inch). She had brown eyes, wispy white hair, and burnt-orange skin. Her face was wrinkled by centuries of hearty laughter and kind smiles. Due to the pirate's millennia-long lifespan, decades were like brief moments in time for her.
As a poet and painter, Kanata took delight in all forms of art, so she offered board to traveling musicians in exchange for their performances. One such musician was Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins, an alien who played the hypolliope horn cluster in a quartet alongside Taybin Ralorsa, Ubert Quaril, and Sudswater Dillifay Glon. Kanata also allowed a variety of scoundrels to stay in her castle, but only if they obeyed her prohibitions against war and politics, as well as her only spoken rule: "All are welcome. (No fighting.)," a mantra written in a hundred different languages on a wall beyond her bar. Individuals who broke the castle law were subjected to Kanata's sentences, which ranged from being locked in her dungeon to potentially being ejected from the airlock of the Tua-Lu. The hostess took a liking to one particular scoundrel, the Wookiee Chewbacca, whom she jokingly referred to as her boyfriend.
Powers and abilities
From her castle, Kanata witnessed the rise and fall of galactic powers, which she attributed to the delicate balance between the light and dark sides of the Force. Although Kanata chose not to train as a Jedi, she had a strong connection to the Force, giving her the preternatural gift of sensing changes of fortune throughout the galaxy. Kanata's powers also allowed her to feel the presence of others, demonstrated when she sensed Solo's return.
In addition to speaking Galactic Basic Standard, Kanata could speak an alien dialect.