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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Canon: Yes

Name: At Attin Frogdog
Classification: Frog-dog
Average height: 0.35 meters
Skin color: Brown
Eye color: Black

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 2D

Special Abilities
         Bite: Although normally placid creatures, Frogdogs are carnivores and can bite for STR+1D damage
         Watchdogs: Frogdogs make excellent Watchdogs as they have good sight, hearing and sense of smell, giving them a bonus +2D to their Search skill when using these senses.

Move: 12
Orneriness: 1D+1

Description: The At Attin frogdog was a type of quadrupedal frog-dog from the planet At Attin. Inquisitive and loyal, they were kept as pets, and during the New Republic Era, the Ithorian Misses Ikk owned one and walked it on a leash. Two days in a row, the child Wim rushed past the pair, causing the frogdog to begin barking. The frog-dog also barked at a pirate frigate that arrived on At Attin to take control of the world.

At Attin frogdogs were a type of frog-dog from the planet At Attin. Standing 0.35 meters tall, they were quadrupeds with mottled brown skin and a pair of prominent black eyes, with small ear holes behind them. Their large mouth was filled with long, white teeth.

Bright, inquisitive, loyal, and attentive, At Attin frogdogs were sought for the companionship they offered and kept as domestic pets.

During the New Republic Era on At Attin, the Ithorian Misses Ikk owned a pet At Attin frogdog, and took it for a walk on a leash through a suburban neighborhood. While on his way to school, the human child Wim ran past Ikk and her At Attin frogdog, causing the pet to begin barking. The Ithorian began speaking in Ithorese as Wim shouted an apology without stopping.

The following day, Wim overslept and missed the hoverbus to school, forcing him to ride a hoverbike instead to try and make it on time for his Career Assessment Test. As he hurriedly left his house on the bike, he once again raced past Misses Ikk and the frog-dog, causing the pet to begin barking again.

When pirates later arrived on At Attin and took control of the world, Ikk and her frog-dog were out for a walk and stared up at the arrival of the pirate's frigate over the city where they lived. The frog-dog began barking loudly at the vehicle, which soon opened fire on the surface and deployed pirates to round up Ikk and the other residents. The pirates were then defeated when the New Republic arrived to provide aid.

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