Name: Roona
Homeworld: At Attin
Species: Vazooan
Gender: Female
Hair color: Green and white
Eye color: Black
Skin color: Pink
Affiliation(s): At Attin Middle School Gamma
Dodge: 4D
Bureaucracy: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 3D+1
Investigate: 5D
Persuasion: 4D+2
Climbing/Jumping: 3D+1
Computer Use: 4D
Special Abilities:
Four Arms: Vazooans have four arms, which make all tasks using their arms and hands easier, so they gain +1D to all Dexterity Skills, Climbing, Vehicle Piloting, etc. However, they are not natural fighters, and this bonus does not add to combat skills, such as Brawling, Blasters, Dodge, Melee Weapons, etc.
Story Factors:
Peaceful: Vazooans prefer the peaceful resolution to problems, disliking violence and warfare.
Move: 10
Force Sensitive: N
Character Points: 1
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Equipment: (50 Credits)
Datapad, Street Clothes
Description: Roona was a Vazooan female native of the planet At Attin who attended At Attin Middle School Gamma. The day before her Career Assessment Test around 9 ABY, Undersecretary Fara from the Office of the Supervisor visited one of Roona's lessons and, at the droid teacher's prompting, Roona informed the undersecretary that she wished to become a senior statistical accountant. Roona's classmate Neel had a crush on her despite the two never having spoken.
Roona was a Vazooan female student of At Attin Middle School Gamma on her homeworld, At Attin, a planet separated from the rest of the galaxy by the Barrier. Around 9 ABY, the day before she and her classmates were due to take the Career Assessment Test—which would decide their roles within At Attin's Great Work—Roona arrived at school alongside the other students and on her way into the building passed the students Fern and KB being lectured by a safety droid for flying a hoverbike into school.
Roona then attended a lesson led by a droid teacher who, part-way through the lesson, introduced the class to Undersecretary Fara, a special visitor from the Office of the Supervisor. Roona and the other students greeted Fara, who then spoke to them about the importance of the Career Assessment Test. When the teacher asked the students to state how they would like to contribute to the Great Work, Roona keenly raised her hand and was selected to answer first, stating that she wished to become a senior statistical accountant. After Roona answered, her classmate Neel gazed at her longingly from the row behind. He had a crush on her, but had never spoken to her before and was working up to saying something.
Neel confided in his friend Wim about his crush when the pair later discussed the upcoming assessment, fearing that if he was held back then he would no longer be in Roona's class. When Fern and KB later tricked Neel and Wim into thinking they were being questioned by a safety droid, KB ordered the pair to reveal who they had a crush on at school and Neel cried out Roona's name.
Personality and traits
Roona had green and white fur, black eyes, and pink skin. She dreamed of becoming a senior statistical accountant on At Attin.
While at school, Roona wore a uniform including a tan jacket, gray pants, black shoes, and a turquoise shirt.