Name: Ishi Tib pirate (Silvo's pirates)
Species: Ishi Tib
Gender: Male
Eye color: Gold (right eye missing)
Skin color: Green
Cybernetics: Cybernetic eye
Affiliation(s): Silvo's pirates
Blaster: 5D
Brawling Parry: 4D+1
Dodge: 4D+2
Intimidation: 3D+1
Planetary Systems: 3D+2
Streetwise: 4D+2
Capital Ship Piloting: 3D+2
Sensors: 3D+1
Space Transports: 3D+1
Starship Shields: 3D
Starship Weapons: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 4D
Bargain: 3D+1
Gambling: 4D+1
Search: 4D+2
Brawling: 5D+1
Space Transport Repair: 3D+1
Special Abilities:
Beak: The beak of the Ishi Tib does Strength +2D damage.
Planners: The Ishi Tib are natural planners and organizers. At the time of character creation only, they may receive 2D for every 1D of beginning skill dice placed in bureaucracy, business, law enforcement, scholar or tactics skills (Ishi Tib still have the limit of being able to place only 2D of beginning skill dice in a skill).
Immersion: The Ishi Tib must fully immerse themselves
Amphibious: Ishi Tib are Amphibious, their lungs double as internal gills, and they had an acute sense of smell on land or in the water.
Story Factors:
Salt Water Baths: an Ishi Tib have to bathe in salt water every thirty hours or so, or their skin would crack open, resulting in internal and external bleeding and death. For every 10 hours without a salt water bath beyond 30, they take damage increasing by 1D for each 10 hours, so 1D at 30, 2D at 40, 3D at 50, etc, until they die.
Heavy Blaster Pistol (5D), Rugged Clothing, Comlink,
Move: 9
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 1
Description: An Ishi Tib pirate was a member of a pirate crew during the New Republic Era. Originally serving under Captain Silvo, he switched his allegiance after a mutiny elevated Brutus as the new leader. With his eye lost during a raid on a merchant freighter, the Ishi Tib underwent a surgery to replace the missing organ with a cybernetic prosthetic. Equipped with a new replacement, he subsequently took part in the Invasion of At Attin.
The eye lost
An Ishi Tib pirate was a member of Silvo's crew during the New Republic Era. Around 9 BBY, he took part in a raid on a bulk freighter crewed by New Republic merchants. Finding himself in the second wave of invaders, the Ishi Tib made it in alive, passing by the dead corpses of some of his comrades. Upon boarding, the pirate was shot in his right eyestalk, an injury he quickly shrugged off before gunning down the crewman who had deprived him of the eye.
Although the bulk freighter was successfully intercepted, the shipment the pirates were after proved insufficient compared to the loss of lives they suffered. A subsequent mutiny against Captain Silvo established Brutus as the new leader.
A cyborg implant
Under the new leadership, the pirates traveled to Borgo Prime, where the Ishi Tib had a cyborg eye welded onto his injured eyestalk. As another individual carried out the surgery inside a kiosk, the Ishi Tib cried in pain, flailing the medical equipment in the process.
In the meantime, Brutus's pirates had a run in with the Skeleton Crew, which comprised four youngling who had accidentally left their homeworld and found themselves lost in the galaxy. Because the children claimed to hail from the planet At Attin and had an Old Republic credit on them, Brutus ordered arresting them. When in a brig, the Skeleton Crew joined forces with former Captain Silvo, who gave credence to their story and together with them escaped to their starship. However, Silvo soon found that the vessel was stuck on a fuel line, significantly constraining his room for maneuver. Meanwhile, Brutus and his crew—including the Ishi Tib—gathered on the landing platform. The captain ordered using a cannon, but before it could hit Silvo's starship, the former captain jumped into hyperspace and sent the snapped fuel line bouncing back on the platform. As the asteroid drowned in chaos, the Ishi Tib narrowly avoided danger when a loose scaffolding collapsed right in front of him.
Personality and traits
A member of the Ishi Tib species, the pirate had green skin and two eyestalks protruding from the head.
The Ishi Tib pirated sported a brown coat with a beige shirt underneath. After he lost one of his eyes, he underwent a surgery to receive a cybernetic replacement.