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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Post EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Fry Cook
Gender: Male
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Black
Skin color: Brown
Affiliation(s): A noodle bar
Move: 10

        Blaster 3D+2
        Brawling Parry: 4D+2
        Dodge 4D+2
        Melee Parry 5D+1
        Melee Weapons 4D+1
        Bargain: 4D
        Con: 5D
        Hide 3D
        Persuasion 3D+2
        Search 3D+2
        Languages 3D+2
        Scholar; Cooking: 4D
        Streetwise 4D+1
        Value: 4D+2
        Brawling 4D+2
        Stamina 4D
        Food Preparation: 4D

Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 2

Equipment: Rugged Clothing with pouches, Knife (Str+1D), 10 Credits

Description: During the New Republic Era, a six-eyed male thug worked as a fry cook in a noodle bar on the pirate asteroid Borgo Prime. In addition to preparing fried foodstuffs, the man attended to customers at the counter, handing out meals and taking payments.

Around 9 ABY, the fry cook served the young off-worlders Wim and Neel. Intrigued by an Old Republic credit coin the younglings attempted to pay with, the man fraudulently demanded a higher payment, realizing the market value of this largely defunct currency. Following the ensuing quarrel between him and some of his clients, the fry cook attempted to chase the young off-worlders, a pursuit that ended in a rough-and-tumble involving a local pirate gang. Ultimately, the children the cook had tried to cheat were taken prisoner by pirate Captain Brutus and locked in a brig pending further interrogation. With his chance to get rich gone, the fry cook went about his daily business.

A thug and a chief
A male thug of an unspecified species became a cook by the New Republic Era. At some point, he found employment at a a noodle bar on the pirate asteroid Borgo Prime, where he was tasked with preparing food and attending to patrons sitting at the food counter.

A dish served with deception
One day around 9 ABY, the fry cook had a shift with the kitchen assistant Nibsy. During that time, the bar served several customers, including an Onodone individual and a creasy creature. Meanwhile Starport Borgo was visited by the Skeleton Crew, a group of four younglings who had accidentally left their home planet and were now lost in the galaxy. Two of the crew members, the human Wim and the Myykian Neel, became separated from the group as they sought someone to help them find their way back home. Drawn by the delightful aroma of food from the fry cook's establishment, the boys approached the food counter. The cook asked what they wanted, and after a moment of hesitation, Wim requested two servings of what the Onodone patron was having—a noodle dish that was the day's special. Therefore, the cook had Nibsy prepare the helpings for the young customers, seeing to it that the latter would not overfill the bowls—a habit his assistant was well known for. Finally, the cook grasped a live lobster-size bug and cracked it open to spill its guts over Wim's noodles. Upon seeing this unusual topping on his companion's portion, Neel tried to persuade the cook not to top his noodles, a request that went unheeded as the cook gutted another bug and spilled its contents into Neel's bowl. With the noodles ready to eat, the cook demanded two "decs." Since the boys were unfamiliar with that term, he clarified that he meant credits, bluntly noticing that the bar was not a charity. At Neel's insistence, Wim delved into his sock and put a single coin on the counter to complete the payment. After picking the coin, the cook quickly realized its actual value and attempted to con the young customers into giving him more, first claiming that premium toppings costed five decks extra and then persuading them to leave a tip for good service.

Noodles on fire
As the cook asked Wim to show him how many of those coins he had, he was interrupted by the greasy creature, who warned the younglings the bartender was going to cheat them. In response, the fry cook pulled out a kitchen knife and told the patron to mind their own business. During the ensuing rough-and-tumble, the creature snatched the credit for themselves, with the cook crying in pain as his hand was grasped by the defiant patron. The creature asked the children where they had found an Old Republic credit in mint condition, and Neel answered that Wim's father had given it to him for lunch money. All of a sudden, the boys were grabbed from behind by the Nikto pirate Vane. The man asked where the youngsters were from, only to burst out laughing along with the fry cook and the patrons when the boys revealed they came from At Attin, a world commonly believed to be a myth in pirate lore. Unable to understand their reaction, Wim clarified that he and Neel were just looking for some directions, and the cook scoffed him, joking that he was also looking for some. Eyeing the coin held by the creature, Vane wanted to take a closer look at the coin but encountered resistance from the creature, who refused to pass it to the pirate. Meanwhile, the fry cook insisted on checking whether the boys had more such coins on them. Realizing the imminent danger, Wim uphanded his bawl of noodles onto the grill to distract everybody's attention. Before the appliance flamed up, the fry cook backed away, a swift maneuver that let him avoid potential injuries.

From grill to gunfire
Following the grill flare-up, the fry cook, along with Vane, the greasy creature, and some others, rushed off in pursuit of Neel and Wim. Just as the younglings stumbled, the thugs and pirates were about to catch them when young Fern, the captain of the Skeleton Crew, emerged with a blaster. The girl fired a shot into the air and ordered everyone to back off. The fry cook—who stood in the first row of the thugs beside Vane and the greasy creature—hesitated. When Vane attempted to convince Fern to lower her weapon, claiming they only wanted credits, the fry cook cut in. He pointed out that there were not enough credits to go around for everyone, adding that he had found the younglings first. A moment later, he rebuked the greasy creature, who had joked that the children perhaps really came from At Attin, a planet the fry cook believed to be a myth. Vane, in turn, swiftly disarmed Fern and pointed her blaster back at her. As the children raised their hands in surrender, the attackers noticed SM-33 emerge from the crowd, the pirate droid who regarded Fern as its captain. The droid warned the aggressors not to touch the girl before advancing on them, extending its limbs and lengthening its arms as it moved. After a brief exchange of words, Vane tried to fire at SM-33, but the droid deftly parried his blaster and sent him crashing backwards into a merchandise stand. With Vane out of play, SM-33 set about the fry cook, punching him in the stomach and sending him flying upwards with an uppercut. When the cook hit the ground, the droid took on the remaining thugs, including the greasy creature and a Warthog alien, who led a barrage of blaster shots at the droid. Finally SM-33 safely escorted its companions to the dinghy landing platform. Just as they were to board, however, the droid was deactivated by pirate Captain Brutus, who then took the younglings prisoner and locked them in a brig.

Personality and traits
The fry cook was a humanoid with an elongated, leathery snout deeply lined with wrinkles. He possessed six eyes—three on each side of his face—arranged vertically. His skin was a dark gray, accented by lighter patches around the snout and on his hands, while coarse, scraggly fur covered his head, shoulders, and arms. His pointed ears were angled slightly backward, and his build was somewhat hunched. His long, sinewy hands ended in dark, claw-like fingers, and his feet featured toes of similar appearance. In addition, the cook was equipped with a tail.

The fry cook was notoriously greedy and ruthlessly exploitative in his interactions with customers. He made sure to keep portions small, never allowing generosity to cut into his profits. When an opportunity for gain arose, he had no qualms about deceiving his clients, regardless of their age. Moreover, he was quick to engage in fights and arguments, fiercely competing with rivals to secure his share of the loot. His speech was laced with vulgarities, which he used freely even in front of minors.

The fry cook was clad in a harness with straps, buckles, and pouches, along with small metallic adornments. He also carried a knife, which he did not hesitate to brandish when threatening his enemies.

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