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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: Canon: No

Essel Tiger

The Essel Tiger is sort of the big brother to the Essel Cat. A
solitary predator, the Essel Tiger is a strong and very fast
creature with a much longer range for it's transportation abilities.
The explorers were atatcked by an Essel Tiger when studying the
wildlife of Faendor, they tried to defend themselves with energy
weapons, but the tiger kept transporting out of the way of the
weapons fire. Truly a dangerous creature.

Planet of Origin: Faendor
Type: Solitary Predator
        Dodge 8D+1
        Search 3D
        (S)Tracking 6D
        Sneak: 5D+2
        Brawling 5D+1

Special Abilities:
        Transportation: Many of the creatures on the world of
        Faendor have developed this strange mode of transportation.
        It allows them to seemingly instantly transport from one
        spot to another spot nearby. It's not quite known how this
        works but it is beleived it isn't actual teleportation as
        they cannot move throguh solid objects, thusly they cannot
        just transport themselves outside of a room unless there's
        an opening they could normaly fit through. They use this short
        distances to Dodge, hence their high dodge skills, or as actual
        movememnt. If they use it as actual movement they may make no
        other movements this round and the movement counts as an action.

        Claws: STR+1D

Move: 14 walking; 30 'transportation'
Size: 1 meter tall

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