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Section of Site: Equipment D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: DROIDSEra: New RepublicCanon: No

Arakyd Droid Interceptor

Arakyd's droid interceptor was originally designed solely for use in the
Republic's AFC combat vehicles. However, with their effectiveness when
deployed on the battle field, Arakyd quickly decided to begin marketing
them by themselves.

The droid itself is compact and streamlined for increased speed as well as
maneuverability. Its main drive is not the repulsorlift generators but a
pair of small and powerful ion engines designed specifically for it, boosting
the droid up to six hundred kilometers per hour.

The droid is armed with a pair of fire-linked blaster cannons primarily
intended for use against troops and light combat vehicles such as airspeeders
and speeder bikes. Arakyd also incorporated a small deflector shield generator,
a concept popular among the war droids used by the Trade Federation.

Craft: Arakyd Mark I Automated Combat Interceptor
Class: Airspeeder
Size: Large (5.2 meters long)
Maximum Altitude: 50 km
Cost: Not available for sale
Atmospheric Speed: 600 km/h (11 squares/action)
Crew: None (droid brain expert +8)
Initiative: +7 (-1 size, +8 crew)
Maneuver: +7 (-1 size, +8 crew)
Defense: 14 (-1 size, +5 armor)
Shield Points: 10 (DR 5)
Hull Points: 20 (DR 5)
   2 Blaster Cannons (fire-linked)
      Fire Arc: Front
      Attack Bonus: +11 (-1 size, +8 crew, +4 fire control)
      Damage: 5d8
      Range Increments: 300 meters

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