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Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 1: Story 37: Life Day

What is it ? : The Young Jedi are on Kashyyyk to witness Life Day along with Zanna and Yoda, they are talking to a young Wookiee named Johgeshakka, who is taking part of a Life Day lighting ceremony where they will decorate a tree with glowing Life Day Orbs.
Lys examines Johgeshakka's Life Day Orb speaking to her about it as she speaks Shyriiwook, but drops it and it rolls off the platform into a market below. She rushes off to get it back to make it up to Johgeshakka, but the others decide to help. After searching the market and discovering a variety of items which look similar to the orb, they find Johgeshakka's Life Day Orb but it falls and cracks.
They return to the ceremony and ask the elder Wookiee's how to fix the orb, but are told the marks it shows tells it's story, so it should be displayed as is, so they raise it onto the tree and it begins glowing, and Lys teaches the others how to say "Happy Life Day" in Shyriiwook. . .

High Points : While it's nice to see Life Day back in Star Wars, since most other things from The Holiday Special is best forgotten, there's nothing much to this episode. The orb gets lost, there's some hijinks as they mistake other orbs for sale in the market as the correct orb, and mistake some fruits which look identical as the orb, and a rolling blue creature which looks identical as the orb, etc, etc.

Low Points : It's made out that the tree lighting ceremony is a thing of great importance to the Wookiee's, but I can only guess it is more akin to a town or family putting up their Christmas Tree. Important to them, but done on smaller group levels rather than a species/planet/settlement wide event.
I can only guess this because no one in the market is rushing to avoid missing the ceremony, they're all just going about business as usual.
Not a major complaint, but just something which seemed unclear to me when I was watching.

So what do you really think ? : The episode is fine, but it's pretty lacking in any drama, they spend the episode looking for a lost Christmas tree ornament! I really can't think of anything of lower risk than that.

Final Words : The message of this one seems to be that something that is broken doesn't lose it's sentimental value, in fact the damage can increase it. And thinking of various things I own, they've got chips and scrapes caused by my kids, and while it would be nice for them to be pristine, the scrapes have their own memories and cannot be replaced.

Score : 8/10

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