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Tales of the Empire: The Path of Hate

What is it ? : We start with a starship landing outside Morgan Elspeth's settlement on Corvus, a New Republic Ambassador exits escorted by some soldiers and enters the settlement, meeting it's leader Wing. She looks around and comments things have gotten worse since she left, and Wing confirms this.
Ambassador Nadura insists on speaking with Elspeth, and tells her that the galaxy has changed, and she should surrender herself to the New Republic to stand trial for her actions, Nadura guarantees her a fair trial.
Elspeth orders her guards to kill Nadura, who slips out of the compound but not before her guards are gunned down. She sprints for her ship, but the guards fire explosives at it and it explodes, before moving on to incinerate the surrounding forest with flamethrowers.
Wing approaches the figure of Nadura lying breathing her last after being injured by the explosion, and her comlink is beeping away sending a distress call. It crackles and the voice of Bo-Katan Kryse is heard saying they will send help, before Elspeth smashes it with her Beskar Spear.
Her guards drag Wing back to the settlement, and Elspeth tells him that no help is coming . . . .

High Points : And we take Elspeth's story right up to the point that she was first introduced into The Mandalorian season 2.

Low Points : But did we really need to do that. Do we need to see her reject New Republic arrest? Do we need to find out Bo-Katan got a distress call from the New Republic, which she's not allied with, and passes it onto Ahsoka, for some reason. Who then comes herself to deal with Elspeth, because she wants to find Thrawn, and thinks that Elspeth might know where the Purgill have taken him and Ezra.
Which I sure makes sense. But I suppose that's more of a criticism of Ahsoka than this.

And I know that the New Republic is short handed, but they're scrapping warships at the same time as they're sending out a single Ambassador, 4 soldiers and an Astromech to ask politely that Imperial forces surrender? They should be turning up with a warship which can force the Empire to give up, and take all hostiles into custody.

And if this episode is supposed to fill in the gaps completely, I have to ask where Lang is? Michael Biehn's Mercenary we see working for Elspeth in The Mandalorian! Or do we need another story to fill in how she is worried after the visit of Nadura so goes out and hires him?

So what do you really think ? : This episode is pointless, we really don't need to see how Elspeth gets from being the Magistrate of an Imperial controlled settlement, to being Magistrate of a still Imperial controlled settlement. There's nothing interesting which happens here, and I think we're all supposed to get excited over 2 seconds of Bo-Katan's voice. Which personally I think confuses things more, as although we can assume that Bo-Katan knows knows Ahsoka's looking for Elspeth for some reason, it's awfully co-incidental that it's her that receives the distress call.

Final Words : And so Elspeth's story ends pointlessly, and rather than filling in gaps in the storyline and helping us understand how characters ended up where they are in The Mandalorian and Ahsoka series, just introduces more confusion and questions.
A really uninteresting episode.

Score : 6.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

25/May/2024 12:05:31 Posted by

I agree. This episode hardly contributed anything to the story.

The first half of this series has been declining from the beginning. First episode - great. It established her background. Second episode - we get to see how she and Thrawn got together. Good, but that was the only highlight. This one - nothing to write home about. Nothing to really contribute.

She chose the path of anger and revenge because of Grievous and the Separatists. Going after them would make sense. But from what we saw, she didn't get of Dathomir until after the Empire was formed. Grievous and the Separatists were no more by then. The target of revenge no longer existed. So why join the Empire?

I think they need to write a novel about her to fill in the gaps. Like how they wrote Crimson Rising to explain how Qi'ra went from a scrumrat on Corellia to becoming a part of the Crimson Dawn.

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