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Knights of the Old Republic 17: Nights of Anger, Part 2

What is it ? : We begin on the Arkanian Legacy, they've just collected Camper and Rohlan, and Jarael is worried. Lord Adasca offers to help Camper, explaining that his illness is one he contracted while working for Adascorp, and that they owe him for his service so will heal him.
Meanwhile at the Courageous, it is under attack by the Mandalorian fleet, it's escorts have been lost and Mandalorians are boarding the ship, so Admiral Karath orders the vessel scuttled and all crew to abandon ship. Under attack by Mandalorian Neo Crusaders, the only way of retreat is into the ships brig, but there is no way out. They discover that Zayne is still in a cell, and has been meditating.
Karath offers to take him with them if he helps, but he remains meditating against his cells wall until Karath promises as an Admiral, which he does.
Zayne then reveals that all that is stopping the panel from opening in his cell wall is the fact he has been sitting propping it closed, he has been using the force to slowly unscrew the bolts on the panel for some time. So the group exit into the hangar beyond where Carth Onasi's ship is waiting for them.
On the Arkanian Legacy, Lord Adasca discovers his guards are trying to remove Rohlan's armor, but he is beating them and resisting. If Rohlan will behave peacefully, Adasca offers him some freedom aboard the ship, and access to the labs aboard to distract him, something that Rohlan agrees to.
Jarael is contacted by one of the team treating Camper who tells her that he is responding well to the treatment, but after the call ends we see Camper is with them surrounded by blaster wielding droids, and was being assured that Jarael was being well treated.
He asks about the illness they told Jarael he had, as it's obviously not real, and they tell him he actually was being made sick by the Last Resort, it's years of sitting in a junk pile had allowed spores to grow within the life support system and he was having a reaction to them.
They promise to continue to treat Jarael well, if Camper agrees to complete the project which he was involved with when he fled Adascorp's service, something he reluctantly agrees to.

High Points : The story continues nicely, although the team is split up so we're following different storylines waiting for them to bring everyone back together. But each continues to be interesting enough to keep our interest.
But for me the best moment was Zayne "meditating" in his prison cell, but only pretending as he can't move or reveal that he's removed the panelling from the wall. It's a funny moment, but also hammers home that Jedi, with the ability to manipulate things with their mind are really hard to capture, they can move things, see through walls, affect minds, and generally make a mockery of normal jails.

Low Points : Apart from keeping the group apart, so we're left wondering what Gryph is currently up to, the interactions with major characters still annoy me, as we've had a large part of the cast of the Kotor games show up, making the galaxy seem very, very small.
It also seems like the Republic fleet has been very easily defeated, there seems to have been almost no battle before the flagship is boarded and Karath plans to scuttle it. I really expected there to have been more of a battle, but then again Zayne does say he had plenty of time to undo the bolts in his cell, so perhaps we've just skipped over days of fighting. Which in itself is problematic that it isn't communicated to the reader particularly well.

So what do you really think ? : While there's nothing wrong with the story, it doesn't feel like much is happening. Zayne escapes from imprisonment on the Courageous, and we find out that Jarael and Rohlan are prisoners in a much more comfortable prison, to force Camper to complete work that he once walked away from for moral reasons.
There's story here, but it seems much like set up for later story to come.

Final Words : While everything that's going on is fine set up for the Kotor Games, showing Karath and Carth's relationship, how the war between the Republic and Mandalorians happened, and how the Jedi were split on the subject leading to Revan's rebellion against the Jedi Council. This is all story we were told as backstory to the games, so it's interesting to see, but not particularly gripping as we know how it turns out. The story of the comics is Zaynes, and we're not really seeing any progression in it, which makes these issues fine, but a bit of a drag as I'm waiting for something important to happen.

Score : 8/10

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