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Knights of the Old Republic 19: Daze of Hate, Part 1

What is it ? : In the Omonoth system the scientists from the Arkanian Legacy are fitting control units and drive systems to the Exogorths present in the system, when the Deadweight, Carth Onasi's ship with Admiral Karath and Zayne Carrick aboard arrives. They are allowed to land on the Legacy.
Aboard the Deadweight, Karath questions Zayne about what he knows about the Mandalorian plans, and Zayne tells him once again that he's not a Mandalorian Spy, to which Karath says that they will find out.
Aboard the Legacy, Lord Adasca orders Jarael to help welcome their visitors, angered by his demands and the fact he's keeping Camper prisoner she grabs a blaster from a guard and aims at Adasca. But he orders his people to cut off Campers hands unless she submits, and she hands over the weapon.
As the Deadweight lands, and they disembark and meet with Adasco, Jarael spots Zayne and the two kiss and embrace much to the astonishment of everyone else present. Karath asks Adasco to put Zayne in a holding cell until he can be returned to Coruscant.
Later another guest arrives, and Jarael and Adasca meet it, only for her to discover that it's Squint representing the Revanchist sect of Jedi. They are also joined by Rohlan, who asks after Demagol, the scientist from flashpoint, and Alek/Squint tells him that he has been unconscious ever since they took him captive, drugged up by someone unknown, and Rohlan suggests it might be Demagol himself to stop him revealing anything under interrogation.
Adasca is told by an aide that a special visitor has arrived, and it turns out to be Lucien Draay, and they speak as if old friends, but their language is loaded as they are obviously rivals, both heirs to large financial dynasties. However Adasca has Draay's drink drugged, and Draay collapses unconscious, as Adasca tells him that today is too important to be interrupted, even by old friends.
At a meeting later, Adasca reveals the weaponised Exogorths to the gathered group, when the final interested party arrives, Mandalore the Ultimate. Karath protests, that as part of the Republic, Adascorp has no business making deals with the Mandalorians, but Adasca reveals that he isn't looking for a deal, he's looking for allies as with the Exogorths they are now a major galactic power.
Elsewhere on the vessel, Lucien Draay slowly awakens, only to find himself surrounded by HK Droids, and tied to a chair with Zayne. . .

High Points : So everyone is all back together, and Zayne is strapped to Lucien Draay, so all the players in the overarching story are in one place.
But my favourite moments of the issue are Jarael's welcomes to Zayne and then Alek. Adasca thinks he has her blackmailed into serving him, but what becomes clear is that she has allies within those arriving, and strong relationships with both Zayne and Alek. Where they heroes look like they have a disadvantage, it's already visible where they have the advantage as they can trust one another and will want Camper freed.

Low Points : I'm still not convinced that the Exogorth's make a strong enough threat to attract all of this attention from the leaders of the various galactic powers. I can see how they're dangerous, but they can't really do anything against targets in a planets atmosphere, and aren't exactly speedy or manoeuvrable to be a credible threat against starships, limiting their usefulness.

So what do you really think ? : I do find it an excellent plot point that Adasca's plan is to make his race ascendant once again. It's a grander plan that we usually see from "corporate" villains, who usually just want to make a profit. Adasca is looking to make his race important again, to give them influence and power in the galaxy as they once had. It makes his plan less self serving and more grand and almost altruistic.
While much of this is to outdo his father and to become a more respected figure than just the man who took over the corporation when his father passed, it makes him a more interesting villain that he might have been.

Final Words : So, there's motivations for most of the people present to work together against Adasca and the Mandalorians, with Alek and Zayne both being friends of Camper and Jarael, so will be working to free their friends. And Draay and Karath both wanting to take Adasca down to deny the Exogorths to the Mandalorians.
Adasca has misread the situation, and has just brought chaos and destruction to his starship rather than participants in a bidding war for his weapons. It's going to be interesting watching it all go wrong for him.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

12/Aug/2024 14:43:41 Posted by

If Jarael's dressed up in a fancy dress, when she tackled Zayne, I bet he thought, "It was worth it."

12/Aug/2024 17:09:13 Posted by catsi563

you know I dont think its a bad thing story wise them using the exogoths

while they may be a bad weapon for sure they are giant space slugs that could control an area of space like giant living mines

still yeah its a tough sell

but thats not what the bad guys thinking, and this thinking is typical of someone as arrogant as this guy. hes blinded by his grand ambitions and doesnt have the foresight to see past his own nose. So of course, this grand plan is all he can see and not the tremendous flaws and disadvantages in it. because all he can see is the end goal of universal domination and his peoples ""rightful place"" in the stars

Short sighted thinking and flaws in plans are for little people to deal with

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