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Knights of the Old Republic 20: Daze of Hate, Part 2

What is it ? : Mandalore the Ultimate arrives under invitation by Lord Adasca aboard the Arkanian Legacy, and Alek immediately attacks him, but is knocked aside by the skilled warrior. Mandalore then recognises Admiral Karath, telling him that his weapon is made from the hull of Karath's ship when they melted it down for scrap.
Aboard the science station where they was working on the Exogorths, Camper asks for some time to rest, but there isn't much room so they send him to wait in the spacesuit storage room.
Back aboard the Arkanian Legacy, Mandalore asks to speak to Rohlan, who he tells that he has used the story of Rohlan's time on Flashpoint, saving his fellow Mandalorians, as a redemption tale for Rohlan the Questioner. That the story ends with Rohlan realising as he dies that only through serving Mandalore can answers be found. They discuss the standardised armor that the other Mandalorians are wearing, which has been designed to get around logistics problems caused by recruits of different sizes and species joining them. Rohlan doesn't think that seems like a very Mandalorian problem, but Mandalore tells him it has it's uses and orders him to go change into a set of Neo Crusader Armor, as Rohlan must remain dead.
Jarael gets contacted by Camper, who she brings up to date with all the arrivals, and he is glad that Zayne has arrived. He tells her that the illnesses among the Arkanian Offshoots are all part of Adasca's fathers plan, to wipe the mistakes out through a plague. Adasca overhears the communcation and tells her that the Offshoots cannot be trusted and he proceeds to beat her only to be stopped by Alek. But Adasca tells Camper that he must obey and finish the project, or Jarael will become the next test subject for his plague designers.
Meanwhile in the holding cell, Zayne and Lucien Draay are trying to free themselves, but trade barbs, Lucien offering criticism of Zayne's friends, with Zayne responding that Lucien kills his friends. Lucien comments that this rebelliousness was part of Shad's personality not Zaynes, and asks if he's getting it from Gryph, but Zayne responds that no, he got it from seeing Shad's corpse at Luciens feet.
Lucien tells him that they did what they needed to do to stop the Dark Side they saw in their visions, but Zayne counters with that the killings themselves were serving the Dark Side. Jedi kill for less everyday, responds Lucien, but Zayne remains unconvinced as that is how the Force works.
He questions Lucien as to why he is here, and Lucien tells him that he and Adasca are from the same family, Money. And they have known each other since youth, but the seers visions brought him here as they saw that the Exogorths won't remain controlled by Adasca and will become a larger problem to the galaxy.
The two then use the force to escape from captivity, ambushing the guard droids holding them captive, Lucien finds his lightsaber and immediately attacks Zayne, who blocks using his Vambraces, who he tells Lucien were a gift from a friend, asking Lucien if he remembers what friends were? People you trust. Lucien explains that Zayne knows he had to try, to which Zayne declares he's not afraid of him anymore.
Lucien hands Zayne a blaster, telling him that's why they're afraid of him, but they'll settle this later.
Back at the demonstration the Exogorths are being put on display, but Carth asks to be excused as it's making him feel unwell, and Adasca and his aide Eejee are told that Jarael's DNA test has come back with surprising results needing one of them to examine, so Eejee leaves to do this as Adasca starts the bidding for the weaponised Exogorths.
Karath offers Adasca a seat on the Senate, but Mandalore offers Adascorp the chance to become the only suppliers to the Mandalorian forces as well as the position to Adasca of Weaponsmith to all the Mandalorian Clans.
Meanwhile a dark figure stands over the bodies of Eejee and the Scientist testing Jarael, telling them that Knowledge is for the Worthy, and this knowledge is only for me. . . .

High Points : A very heavy exposition issue, with loads being spoken between Rohlan and Mandalore, Camper and Jarael, and Lucien and Zayne. We discover loads that has been going on behind the scenes, how the Mandalorians are having to act like an army instead of individual warriors with their own codes of honor, which makes a whole load of sense. We get Camper outing the true evil of Adasca and his family, and we get a facedown between Lucien and Zayne where they actually get to speak instead of just fighting. There's loads of information in here, and loads to absorb.

Low Points : However that does mean that most pages are extremely dense with text, and there's little action, and the pages aren't particularly visually appealing.

So what do you really think ? : I've commented in previous issues that I don't find the Exogorths particularly threatening weapons, they are slow and not really dangerous. And even Adasca admits that in this issue, that the idea is deny systems to the enemy by swarming them with Exogorths who will seed the system with their young. He does however reveal that he hopes that in sufficient numbers, the Exogorths might be able to consume planets, but whether this is just an idea of his or based on any science we don't know. Mandalore himself says they aren't a weapon the Mandalorians are interested in using, they're just here to bid to deny this weapon to their enemies.
So in it's own way the story has settled some of my concerns about the usefulness of the Weaponised Exogorths.

Final Words : Not much progress in this issue, but some we receive a lot of information which will help the story move forward later, so we're still left with Jarael and Campers allies against Adasca and the Mandalorians, with everything set to erupt.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

14/Aug/2024 12:15:59 Posted by

What Adasca has planned is kind of along the line of Tarkin's Doctrine - rule through fear of force rather than force itself.

Zayne vs. Lucien - I think I know why Zayne said he no longer fears Lucien. Despite how their master/teacher relationship went, Zayne still had a sense of awe towards his master. Now he sees Lucien for what he truly is. Lucien's trained to use the lightsaber. Lucien's trained to use the Force. But Lucien lacked any Jedi morals or ethics. Without that, Lucien's no Jedi. It's akin to what Dooku told Ventress when they first met back in the 2003 cartoons. She wore the trappings of the Sith. She fought like the Sith. But she lacked a vital quality - she had fears, whereas a Sith had none.

Zayne may understand that much about Lucien, but we're beginning to see the signs of fanaticism within Lucien. And we'll be getting back to this later.

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