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Knights of the Old Republic 21: Daze of Hate, Part 3

What is it ? : The negotiations for control of Adasca's Exogorth's continues, and Alek cannot believe that Adasca is thinking about taking Mandalores offer, but Adasca lets it slip that instead of thinking of him being the Weaponsmith and main supplier to the Mandalorians. He actually thinks of this as the Mandalorians becoming subservient to him.
In the control room used by Eejee, Lucien Draay and Zayne Carrick are watching the events on viewscreens, and Lucien declares that Adasca has gone insane. Carth Onasi arrives with Zaynes Lightsaber and pack of stuff, and updates the pair on what's going on, that Camper is being forced to work for Adasca to control the Exogorths because Jarael is Adasca's prisoner. So Lucien declares the solution to be easy, kill Jarael and Camper has no motivation to work for Adasca and the Exogorth weapon stops working.
However, Rohlan arrives and threatens to kill Lucien before he could perform any such task. And Zayne comes up with a plan to cause a fight between the Mandalorians and the gathered Republic forces, and asks to borrow Rohlans spare Neo Crusader armor.
Entering the chamber is disguise along with Lucien, Carth, and Rohlan, Zayne bumps into Carth and they begin brawling, Rohlan extends the fight, and the room erupts into brawling as the Republic forces and Mandalorians who hate each other break the truce. Lucien then ignites his lightsaber, and shouts that the Jedi have arrived to kill Mandalore, exactly like Adasca had planned, leading to a full out battle between the Mandalorians and everyone else.
Zayne frees Jarael, and grabs her bracelet with the communicator in it and tells Camper they've rescued Jarael.
Meanwhile in the hangar, Elbee is ejected from the Last Resort and the ship takes off under autopilot. Camper aboard the control station takes control of the HK droids, and seizes control of the station and the Exogorths.
Adasca tries to use his control of the Exogorths to stop the fighting, but is told they have turned on his vessels as the communication system comes to life as Camper insults Adasca's Grandfather and father and tells him that he quits, again.
The Exogorths smash into The Arkanian Legacy, smashing through the roof of the Observation Dome as everyone flees. A wounded Admiral Karath orders Carth to take Zayne prisoner once more, but Carth pretends to lose him in the chaos, telling him that there are too many bad guys around at the moment but Zayne isn't one of them.
As they reach the hangar, Jarael sees Elbee, and finds out that Camper is taking the Last Resort and leading the Exogorths out into wild space where he will remove the technology and let them just be Exogorths once more. He tells her that he is thinking clearly for the first time in years, and that he has Zayne and Gryph to thank for that, telling her that she too will be better with the pair. Jarael is distressed as the Last Resort and the Exogorths blast off into Hyperspace.
Lucien offers to evacuate them all aboard his ship, but they will be heading to Coruscant where charges will be pressed against Zayne, when suddenly the Moomo Williwaw with Del and Dob Moomo aboard crash through the hangar, sent by Gryph to get Zayne and bring him to Taris, and overjoyed they board the ship and leave.
Lucien himself departs, knowing where Zayne is headed and proclaiming that he cannot avoid justice forever. . . .

High Points : Wow, it all goes crazy in this issue, the Zayne uses the things he's learned from Gryph to cause an all out battle in the observation dome, and even gets Lucien involved to make the Mandalorian's believe they've been betrayed. Fantastic stuff.
We also get a seeming end to Campers story, he's putting right the harm he did to the Exogorths long ago, motivated to do the right thing by being around Zayne. Showing that while Zayne might not be the best Jedi, he does have an influence on those around him to help them do the right thing, which is perhaps the ability that Master Vandar saw in him in his youth.

Low Points : There's not much I dislike in this issue, only perhaps the coincidence of everything, Elbee just happens to be sitting on the ramp of the Last Resort when Camper takes control of it, so is left behind. The Moomo brothers know where Zayne is to rescue him, although no-one really knew he was aboard the Arkanian Legacy, and no-one really knew where it was going to be apart from high level government people summoned to the negotiations.
But these are minor points in a fantastic issue.

So what do you really think ? : So as far as we know, Camper's story is done, but while it's a bittersweet moment, as I'd like to see more of this character (admittedly now he's cures of his confusion, he might not be as interesting a character, but I would liked to have found out). But he doesn't die, and gets to undo the harm he did in his earlier life, redeeming himself even if we really didn't know, or probably care, about the harm he'd done.

Final Words : I really enjoyed the ending of this storyline, the gangs all back together and headed back to Taris, and we'll see where the story goes from here.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

16/Aug/2024 12:12:43 Posted by

Lucien calling Adasca insane - he right about that. Adasca comes off as a Palpatine wannabe, so as to speak. He has the ambition of Palpatine, but not the planning. Having two sides, who have intense hatred towards each other, in the same room is like filling the room with flammable liquids and gases. All you need is a spark, and the whole place goes BOOM! And Zayne provided the spark.

Lucien was willing to kill Jarael to derail Adasca's plans. It might have been a potential practical solution, but it's definitely a dark side one. If that's not a sign that Lucien is becoming what he's accusing Zayne of - a dark sider - I don't know what is.

Lucien saying Zayne can't avoid justice forever - true. But will Zayne be receiving justice, or delivering it?

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