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Knights of the Old Republic 30: Exalted, Part 2

What is it ? : Zayne and Gryph are prisoners of the Feeorin, while Feln reports back to Lucien Draay. He tells him that he found recording devices on Zayne and destroyed them, and that Zayne was carrying Celeste's key. Lucien tells him that Celeste wouldn't have betrayed them, and Zayne must have been controlled by the Muur Talisman and defeated her to take the key.
Lucien orders Feln to destroy the crypt and all the artefacts in it to get rid of the evidence against them, but their communication is interrupted by Haazen who has been listening in, and orders them instead to take the collection of artefacts back to Coruscant.
Feln returns to Zayne and beats him in revenge for what happened to Raana Tey, and moves to kill him with his lightsaber, but the other Feeorin stop him, their law is that anyone who has been in the crypt cannot be harmed by blade or bludgeon.
Feln argues that Zayne should never have been inside, but the other Feeorin aren't moved by his words, as the word of the law is the law, so Feln must kill Zayne with his bare hands.
So Zayne strikes first and flees, while Gryph confirms that there is nothing in the Feeorin laws about running, which there isn't.
Zayne flees across the Feeorin settlement, and as Feln chases he is informed that the Moomo Williwaw has been detected returning, so he activates a detonator to destroy the vault. It explodes, but with a much larger explosion than he expected, with Zayne commenting that the artefacts inside didn't want to be destroyed so reacted against it. The explosion has devastated much of the Feeorin Settlement, and Feln outraged reaches for his lightsaber to strike Zayne.
Zayne tells him this is against the rules, but Felm responds that when he doesn't like the rules, he changes them. Only to find the other Feeorin have turned on him.
He reminds them that he has been in the vault so they cannot use their weapons, but they remark that the vault no longer exists, so neither does the law because they're changing it.
The Feeorin kill Feln, and want nothing more to do with artefacts and Jedi things, but the storms caused by the artefacts put out the flames caused by the explosion, allowing them to rescue most of their settlement.
The Moomo Williwaw arrives, and Gryph remarks that their mission has been a failure, their recordings were lost and the vault and it's contents have been destroyed. But Jarael points out that the Moomo brothers packed the box they took to the vault with artefacts as they thought they were valuable.
Back on Coruscant, the remains of the Covenant have detected Feln's death, surrounded by the fires of what was once his realm, as their prophecies had predicted. They are alarmed by the predictions coming true one after another, but Lucien bullies them into falling in line and obeying him. Telling them that Zayne will bring evidence here to Coruscant which cannot be allowed, so he has ordered Admiral Karath to intercept Zayne, by telling him he plans to raid Coruscant for the Mandalorians, and that Xamar is to go to Karath's flagship to lead the assault on Zayne.
As he leaves, Q'Anilia asks Xamar how the prophecy says he will die, to which he responds, In space, by friendly fire. . . .

High Points : The house of cards the Covenant has created is collapsing around them, Feln who used his powers to become leader of his people, and then twisted their laws to support the Covenant, dies by the hands of his people who have learned how to twist those laws from him.
The others are seeing Zayne's prediction he would hunt them down one by one come true, as yet another of their number dies. And we see that while Lucien is the supposed leader of the Covenant, the true power lies with his mother, Krynda, but all access to her is filtered through Haazen, who therefore really rules the Covenant.
And the issue has some nice action, with Zayne using his speed and agility against the pure physical power of Feln, leading him on a chase through the settlement showing the others how little he cares for them.

Low Points : While I liked that the destruction of the Vault by Feln turned against him, sewing destruction through his realm and finally turning the other Feeorin against him. It is made out that the Jedi and Sith Artefacts seem to be made out of unstable gelignite, and make the explosion much larger. Which seems a little silly to me, it would have made more sense if the explosion was larger than he expected due to Haazen or Lucien planting larger explosives without care for the Feeorin settlement around to ensure the artefacts didn't fall into anyone else's hands. Rather than explosive artefacts, it would have been the distrust and betrayal in the Covenant that led to his downfall.

So what do you really think ? : And another of the Covenant falls, and it's power looks weaker than ever, with all the attention Zayne has brought to it and the defeat of multiple of it's members fulfilling their own prophecies. Zayne's threat to bring them down, which at first seemed unlikely, now seems within his grasp.

Final Words : The end of Zayne's quest seems within reach, but Lucien Draay remains an influential and powerful foe, I'm looking forwards to seeing if they bring all of Zayne's allies together to prove his innocence. Something which will prove Master Vandar's thoughts when he assessed Zayne as a child, that his power lies within bringing people together and forging the ties between them.

Score : 8.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

03/Sep/2024 14:49:38 Posted by

I consider Feln's death to be fitting.

And we're starting to see more and more how fanatical Lucien is becoming.

04/Sep/2024 08:22:17 Posted by Freddy

Lucien is such a fanatical believer in the prophecies, even though he doesn't receive them. Even more so than the seers themselves.

04/Sep/2024 13:58:47 Posted by

Yeah, and there's a reason for that. But I'll wait until a key event occurs, and it won't be when Zayne's clash with the Covenant is over.

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