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Metellos 3

Metellos 3
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Knights of the Old Republic 36: Prophet Motive, Part 1

What is it ? : On Metellos 3 an auction is taking place selling the rights to mine certain planets, Gryph is already present, disguised as Professor Gryphomarn a legal scholar wanting to observe the trades.
A starship arrives, and Jarael disguised as Captain Brackel interrupts the trades, claiming they've sold a planet she has control of, Italbos, so she wants compensation, claiming to have mineral scans which show it was worth far more than they said.
The administrator tells them they've arbitrators and a system for resolving situations like this, but "Professor Gryphomarn" offers his legal services to "Captain Brackel" to help her get the best deal, and supposedly so he can learn their system from doing not observing.
The administrator leaves and reports to the owner of the auctions, Master Nunk, a Chevin, who has recognised that "Professor Gryphomarn" is actually Marn Hierogryph, and is likely trying to scam them.
Meanwhile Jarael things that the traders are delaying too much, but Gryph thinks they are just raising the money they need. Jarael is sad that Zayne isn't with them, but Gryph tells her he wanted to see his family, when they are attacked as raiders burst into their suite, followed by Sentinel Droids. A fight breaks out, and things are going well for Jarael, Rohlan (disguised as one of Jaraels guards) and Gryph, with a droid pushing Gryph's head against a window which is cracking against the vacuum of spaces, when he is rescued by Zayne, who declares that the vacation is over . . . .

High Points : Storywise there's not much to this one, a lot of set up for the scam that Gryph is doing, and his dialogue as he masquerades as "Professor Gryphomarn" (wow he really can't come up with original names) is amusing, as it's fairly obvious he's fooling no-one.
But one point I especially enjoyed was the twist where the cultured and eloquent host of the auctions, turns out to be a slave to the Chevin. He might appear to be in control to the people attending the auction, but this is just a charade as the real power is held elsewhere.

Low Points : There's a lot of information dump and dialogue in this issue, lots of Gryph masquerading as a professor, lots of the host and the Chevin speaking, lots of Jarael and Gryph speaking. And while there's some action to liven it all up later, there's so much to read, and so much of it seems pointless.

So what do you really think ? : An interesting way to get back into things after what could have been the end of this comic series. With everything wrapped up with the Covenant, there doesn't seem a clear path as to what Zayne and Gryph do next. Except while we've dealt with what Zayne wanted, to clear his name, we now move onto trying to get what Gryph wants, which is to be rich. So while it seems fairly unimportant compared to what has gone before, it is quite fun and interesting to read.

Final Words : So out of the characters we started with, Camper, Zayne, Gryph, Jarael, and a little bit later, Rohlan. We've seen the end of Campers story, the end of Zayne's main plot (although obviously he has more going on than just that), so we've still to deal with Jarael (we discovered that she is something more than just a normal Arkanian Offshoot), and Rohlan. But around all of this we'll have Gryph's quest to become a Criminal Mastermind and to become extremely rich.

Score : 8.5/10

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