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Knights of the Old Republic 47: Demon, Part 1

What is it ? : We begin with a flashback giving us the history of the Republic Senate chamber, showing us Exar Kun defeating Vodo-Siosk Baas using his double bladed lightsaber, and we are told that the chamber is still used for high profile trials, like that of Demagol.
Demagol is taken through the crowds by security, and a Quermian Minister confronts him, but he tells him that the Mandalorians are not who they think, and he is not who they think.
Zayne watches, having been summoned as a witness, and meet Malak, who is cold, especially when he discovers that Jarael is no longer with them. He is also a witness for the prosecution, and tells them they have found the wreckage of the Arkanian Legacy, and found the body of Eejee Vamm who was butchered in a horrific way.
As they leave, Gryph confronts Zayne about his lies, he lied by omission to Malak by not mentioning Rohlan Dyre leaving with Jarael, and Gryph has discovered that Zayne has spent a lot of their money without Gryph's approval. But Zayne counters with the fact that Gryph always lies, and hasn't even told him how they survived Serocco, as they arrive outside a restaurant with giant statues of Gryph and Slyssk outside.
And Gryph tells him, that with Zayne's warning and Slyssk's fast reactions, they grabbed a ship to leave Serocco before the bombardment, the crew were asleep, and the ship packed with refugees, so the Republic hailed the pair as heroes. The restaurant is the franchise of the one they were operating on Serocco before the attack.
Zayne comments to T1-LB that at least he can be happy now, as Rohlan is no longer around, and T1-LB tells him the person that left with Jarael was not Rohlan Dyre. Zayne questions this, but T1-LB is a loader droid and has lifted both the person who spent months aboard their ship, and originally Rohlan Dyre, and they weighed different amounts so were definitely different people.
Gryph and Zayne think this is ridiculous for a moment, and then many memories come flooding back or Rohlan acting oddly, showing medical knowledge, scientific interest beyond what they know about Rohlan, and they realise that it has been Demagol with them all along just wearing Rohlan's armor.
Meanwhile, on the world of Wor Tandell, Jarael and who she believes is Rohlan, hire a ship to help her fulfil her destiny.
Back on Coruscant, the trial continues, with Malak making extreme claims of the butchery that Demagol has done, but the figure on trial reacts badly to the accusations, and Malak hurls him violently across the chamber, with the person commenting that Malak might save the Republic from the Mandalorians, but who will save it from him.
The crowd begins getting ugly, so security rushes the prisoner to a waiting speeder to stop him being lynched. In the speeder he takes his helmet off, declaring that he is not Demagol, he is Rohlan Dyre and we see his face confirming this. But the security manning the speeder is Zayne and Gryph, who confirm they knew this already, and he is the only person who can help them stop a massive mistake they've made.
Back on the starship, Rohlan/Demagol offers to take Jarael back to the school where she was once taught, and she questions how he would know about it and it's location, and he removes his helmet revealing that he is actually Antos Wyrick the instructor who trained her at that school, who handed both her and Chantique to the Crucible. . . .

High Points : A great set up, with loads of secrets revealed, we find out the truth of Demagol/Rohlan, and how Demagol has been in Jarael's life throughout it.
But my favourite scene is between Zayne and Malak, the way Malak has become so cold, Zayne saved his and many other Jedi lives back on Flashpoint, but Malak has lost his respect for Zayne, is so distant, and his own feelings for Jarael has made him dislike Zayne. This is far closer to the Malak of the video games, he's falling to the Dark Side, and it's kind of horrifying to see as we've seen him as a hero, as a friend, and now it's easy to see his vicious angry side that the galaxy will come to fear.

Low Points : If Demagol has known Jarael since she was a child, how did he not recognise her on Flashpoint? While the potential torture of her could have just been him testing her for the Jedi powers that he hoped would reveal themselves, he didn't show any signs of treating her differently, and it's not like she was in any kind of disguise.
They've obviously been making up her history as they go along, because it's equally as weird as the fact that until Goethar no one recognised her slaver markings.

So what do you really think ? : A really solid beginning to the end of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series. We've got some genuine threat as Jarael is in the hands of Demagol, who she currently trusts, and Zayne and Gryph have the real Rohlan, but are being hunted for breaking a war criminal out of his own trial.
Excellent stuff.

Final Words : So three issues to go, and we haven't even gotten Chantique and the Crucible involved in the storyline yet, although her personal connection to Antos Wyrick/Demagol will no doubt get her involved soon.

Score : 9/10

Comments made about this Article!

25/Oct/2024 12:29:42 Posted by

When they asked Elbee why it didn't tell them, and it said that they didn't ask, I always felt either Zayne or Gryph would have tried to choke Elbee the way Homer chokes Bart. Either of them would say, "WHY YOU..." and then choke Elbee.

29/Oct/2024 12:20:26 Posted by Freddy

I have for brevity been skipping over some great scenes, and that was one, the realisation that one of them had the knowledge they'd missed all along, and that it was the one of them they probably considered the least intelligent and least observant. Really put the two of them in their place.

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