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Darth Vader: Issue 47: The Razing of Exegol Part 2

What is it ? : Vader and his team are stealing a large piece of Kyber from Exogol, but the Sith Eternal summon a Sumna Verminoth to attack, but they slip away with the Crystal leaving the Marrs Corp's behind as their control chips have been disabled and they have turned on Vader.
As they fly away, Vader touches the Crystal and is put in contact with Palpatine, who brings up the idea that while there are only going to be 2 Sith, that Could be Palpatine and Vader, Palpatine and Luke, or Vader and Luke.
Meanwhile across the galaxy, Luke feels something and realises that Vader is still looking for him, but is told by R2 and Leia that he has received a message from Sergia.
Vader hacks at the Kyber Crystal with his lightsaber, cutting off a chunk and mounting it on a staff.
On Exogol's surface the Marrs Corps are resisting the mental powers of the Sumna Verminoth, because they have been trapped in their own bodies by Vader for months
But Vader rides the Lambda Shuttle into combat, using the Zaly Shield and his new staff to defeat the massive creature.
Across the galacy, Luke senses the battle but lands his X-Wing for his meeting, and finds a criminal called Warba Calip waiting for him next to a Naboo Shuttle. As they talk, Sabe exits the shuttle and tells Luke that she knows his father, and shoots Warba who drops to the ground, and then blasts R2, demanding that if Luke has a dark side, then now is the time to show it. . . .

High Points : While this comic still has a lot of cool images (Vader standing atop a shuttle wielding the staff and shield to defeat the Sumna Verminoth looks great), but there's not much more to it than that. This issue feels like it's setting up the climactic battle for the end of the comic, and because of that, not much of interest is happening.

Low Points : As an episode setting things up, there's no real progress in any plotline, just new ones being introduced. And we get no insight into Vader, which has been when this series is at it's best, seeing how Anakin still exists within the armor.
And while probably not a true criticism of the issue, I found myself thinking that Kyber is supposed to magnify energy put into it, which is why it's useful in Lightsabers and Superlasers, so when Vader hacks it with his lightsaber I wondered why a massive version of the blade wasn't shooting out the other side wrecking his ship.

So what do you really think ? : I also found it amusing that Vader has gone to all the trouble to steal a massive Kyber Crystal, much larger than himself, but ends up only using a piece about the size of his forearm.
It also feels very odd that Luke is being used in this story, while his existence has been a major driving force throughout the series. It's mainly as a motivator for Vader, that his son is his only remaining part of Padme, and the one thing that can turn him against Palpatine. But Luke actually being in the comic, feels wrong as we know how the story ends in Return of the Jedi.

Final Words : Maybe it's because I know we're coming to the end of the series, and everything is wrapping up, but this issue feels very much like the writers are getting ready for a climax, and are just putting all the pieces in place. And that makes this issue feel very inconsequential in itself.

Score : 8/10

Comments made about this Article!

11/Nov/2024 16:00:43 Posted by

The whole deal with Sabé...

You have to wonder if the writers decided to put that in to foreshadow what was to come. In Bloodlines, the truth about Luke's and Leia's heritage was revealed. Leia's credibility in the New Republic government was shot, and the one who revealed it, who was loyal to the Empire/First Order, was poised to discredit Luke as well.

Luke and Leia didn't seem to have faced that problem in the Legends continuity, yet looking back on it, I could see that damn Bothan, the one who pulled that stunt at the Katana Fleet and who eventually undid everything Leia and Mon Mothma worked for and brought the New Republic to ruin, trying something like that to remove Leia from the playing field, seeing her as his worst rival and opponent.

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