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Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited Achtnak Turbine Station

Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited Achtnak Turbine Station
Cale (Pauan Nihil Technician)

Cale (Pauan Nihil Technician)

Darth Vader: Issue 49: Rule of Two

What is it ? : The Marrs Corps are beating on Vader as his body is still disabled by the computer chip set on him by Sly Moore, they introduce themselves, but Vader tells them that their names do not matter, only Skywalker matters.
Meanwhile across the Galaxy, Luke, R2, and Sabe are trying to repair Sabe's Naboo Shuttle, from the damage Luke did to it, but they spot an Imperial Transport arriving. Luke doesn't sense Vader, so they think they're somewhat safe.
However Tandorvo unleashes his battledroids which destroy the shuttle, but as Luke begins destroying lots of the droids, Tauntaza fires Vaders staff at him, so Luke has to safe Tandorvo's life.
Back with Vader, the Marrs Corps questions why Vader wants to save Luke and why Vader thinks they would help, or even why he thinks they would be useful, and Zed explains that Vader will be free of the chip in moments, but obviously thinks those moments could be key in saving Luke, so this is their one chance to survive.
Back with Luke, he's saved Tandorvo, but the man has had a leg burned off by the blast. Sly Moore orders Tauntaza to fire again, but the staff still isn't tuned, so she is too damaged by the bursts she's already fired, so Moore herself dons the armor to use the staff, as the death machine which destroys all life on a planet is delivered to the surface.
Moore communicates with Luke, offering him a chance for the Rule of Two to be fulfilled by being Her and Luke, to defeat Palpatine and Vader, threatening to destroy all life on the planet if he doesn't. So Luke walks out to surrender to her, and she fires off another blast of energy from the staff, but as she does, Vaders shuttle arrives, and he deflects much of the blast, as Moore, Sabe and Luke look towards his ship and recognise his arrival. . . .

High Points : So everyone is in one place, with Luke, Vader, Moore and Sabe, along with the many other characters featured across the series all together for the finale. Although Palpatine and Ochi of Bestoon both were major players but are not currently present.
But this issue doesn't do a lot more than that, I suppose Sly Moore realising that there are more combinations to the Rule of Two possible with the 4 people she currently considers contenders, is okay, but it's nothing major.

Low Points : So Vader is unable to move . . . isn't this exactly the same situation we saw in the main plot of Vader: Black, White and Red? And without using his body he defeated opponents using the Force alone, but this time, he doesn't. I would have thought he'd have just crushed the chip using the force and be free of it. But also if he is so disabled, why can't the Marrs Corps just kill him? They've got loads of weapons, he's not indestructible, he's just tough.
And as for Moore, donning Tauntaza's power armor, and wielding Vaders staff, still doesn't make her a powerful opponent for Vader, he can just crush her throat whenever he wants. So I don't know why they've bothered to focus all the power there in the story, multiple opponents would be a more major threat to Vader, striking him while he's distracted by each other.

So what do you really think ? : The issue is fine, but I really don't see us getting a satisfying conclusion, the comic hasn't given us any insight into Vader as a character for some time, the only tiny flash into his thoughts we get this issue is when he's disabled by the chip, he remembers being disabled on Mustafar by Kenobi. A tiny glimpse into him mind, but it'd be so much better if we were seeing his thoughts about Luke, especially now Luke is with Sabe who physically resembles Padme, seeing someone who looks like his wife, with his son should have massive effects even on Vader, alas not this issue, perhaps next.

Final Words : And speaking of next, next time it's the final issue, and everything gets wrapped up. Although I have my doubts that we're going to have even half of the storylines resolved, or even we'll get a nice lead in to Return of the Jedi, since this story has been bridging the gap between Empire and Jedi.
But as always, I could very well be wrong as I often am, and we shall see next issue.

Score : 8/10

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