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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew: Season 1: Episode 2: Way, Way Out Past The Barrier

What is it ? : The ship eventually comes out of Hyperspace and the kids can't work out how to operate it, but a droid activates and demands to see it's captain. Fern convinces it that she defeated the ships captain in combat so is the new captain, commanding it to return them to At Attin, but the droid doesn't know it's location. It suggests they go to a starport it knows of where anything can be bought for a price, including navigation data. So they set course and jump to Hyperspace again.
Meanwhile back on At Attin, Wim's father notifies the authorities that the kids have gone missing on a starship.
As they travel, Neel and Wim discover skeletons aboard the ship, and watch as the ship emerges around an asteroid base where lots of ships are berthed. The kids take a shuttle across to the asteroid, paying the operator with some of Wim's lunch money, which seems to excite the pilot.
They split up, with Fern and KB meeting a girl who works in a brothel, who wants them to leave as it's a dangerous place for kids, and Neel and Wim buying some food. When they pay using Wim's lunch money, everyone gets excited as they're paying with Old Republic Credits, but freshly minted ones. Questioned where they got them they say it was on At Attin, and everyone gets even more excited as it's a legendary treasure planet.
The kids flee as they realise that the occupants of the station are pirates and want them so they can find At Attin, and the droid from their ship comes to their rescue beating up a number of the pirates before the leader of the pirates, Vane, who we recognise from The Mandalorian and from the pirate attack at the start of the first episode, shoots and disables the droid.
The kids end up in the Pirate Brig, and try to use an animal to retrieve the key, when someone else in the brig tells them he will help them escape if they take him with them, and then uses the force to levitate the key across the room into his hand and Wim recognises that as the powers of a Jedi . . . . .

High Points : For me personally the high point of the episode was the droid fight, seeing him throwing the pirates around, but that proves ultimately useless as he gets shot by the leader of the pirates. I also like the droid itself, SM-33, the name a version of Smee, and the fact he has a missing eye and a broken leg being the droid equivalent of a peg leg and eye patch.

Low Points : For some reason this episode is simultaneously too short, but drags. The predictableness of the script also works against the show already, in the first episode it works as it allowed us to use cliches to get into the story without a lot of set up, but the cliches are just predictable now. That SM-33 would get defeated, that the small rodent wouldn't get the key for the kids, we know what's going to happen before it happens, so the story just feels like it's dragging as we're just waiting for what we already know will happen, to happen.

So what do you really think ? : A massive step down from the first episode, but perhaps now they've got Jude Law aboard the show will really get going, The entirety of what happens this episode really just seems to be, we discover that At Attin is a hidden world, one that seems idyllic, probably because it's remained hidden from the Empire and the Galaxy since before the Clone Wars.

Final Words : So the first two episode are release on the first day, and often that's been because the pilot episode drags a bit, and you need to see the second to get into the show. Sadly the reverse seems to be happening here, the pilot episode was great, and I was really looking forwards to the show, but after the second episode, I'm not convinced that this is going to be anything special.

Score : 8/10

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