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Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 1: Heroes and Hotshots

What is it ? : Nubs, Kai and Lys are all practicing on a frame under the watch of Nash, when they see Master Zanna returning and comment that she is bringing her new Padawan with her.
They rush to meet them and are introduced to Wes Vinik, and his droid R0-M1 ("Romi"). Master Zanna tells them that Wes will be helping to train them, and taking them on missions. Speaking of which, he is going to the world of Deppani, where the inhabitants build starships for explorers, the settlement has been hit by a storm, so the Jedi are to see if they can help. The three Younglings are given new Jedi Robes, and since they can't all fit in Vinik's Jedi Vector starfighter, Nash agrees to bring them along, and shows off the upgraded Crimson Firehawk.
When they arrive at Deppani, they discover that the Gangul gang has a new Cruiser, and is robbing the settlement of their starships. Wes confronts the Ganguls, but gets caught in a net, and needs rescued by Kai. They decide to work as a team, and Kai and Vinik board the Ganguls vessel to recapture any starships loaded, while Nash, her droid RJ-83, and R0-M1 cut the winching cables to stop any more starships being captured, and Lys and Nubs distract the Ganguls on the ground.
The Ganguls soon realise that they're outmatched and leave, and Wes admits that he needed the Younglings, and needs to learn to rely on other people more, as Lys offers to help the settlers make repairs from the storm. . . . .

High Points : It's a big jump back to the level of Young Jedi Adventures, and it's absolutely fine for what it is, there's some action, the kids are important without being smartass, and we get the return of the Ganguls.

Low Points : I know it's for kids, so isn't that consistent, but the fact that the leader of the Ganguls has a Beskar spear seems silly. We know the price of Beskar is ridiculously high, and Mandalorians don't like making it into weapons, so this weapon is probably worth the same as the new cruiser they've got. The same effect could probably have been achieved by saying the spear was Phrik alloy or the like, but that doesn't have the name recognition of a Beskar spear. Which is annoying as this show really isn't supposed to be for the same audience as The Mandalorian.
Also while it's kind of cute, the idea that there is a small village where the build starships is kind of stupid. Something as advanced as a Starship is built in a factory, and Star Wars has agreed with this, showing us Corellia and other factory worlds. But now we get a small village where I guess they weave the ships out of reeds or some such.

So what do you really think ? : It's a fine return for the series, I'm not sure about the addition of Wes Vinik, he's basically taking the same role as numerous other Jedi characters have in the first season, but is only a Padawan, so I suppose means that he'll be out of his depth more often.
Also the use of the Ganguls feels wrong here, this really feels like it should have been a Taborr episode, especially as it's the first in the season, so getting him back seems important, but we'll see what they do with that character as we go along after the revelations at the end of the first season.

Final Words : I almost forgot, each episode has a message for the kiddos, and this one's was "team work".

Score : 8/10

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