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Ciddarin Scaleback {Cid} {as of Season 2 The Bad Batch} (Trandoshan Fixer/Informant)

Ciddarin Scaleback {Cid} {as of Season 2 The Bad Batch} (Trandoshan Fixer/Informant)



Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 6: The Secret Ship

What is it ? : Nash Durango is delivering parts to Princess Inaya on her homeworld, the parts are essential for the opening of a library that evening. Inaya shows Nash a starship she has built, she intends to fly it to the opening of the library, to prove to her people she is more than just a princess.
They take the ship out for a flight, but an ion compressor malfunctions and the ship crashes. They go to a nearby merchant, but he refuses to sell the parts to a princess just playing a part, but Nash urges him to give Inaya a chance, so he gives her a starship part to fix to prove her skills, which she does.
They head back to her ship, only to find it being towed away, and the pilot can't hear them because he's wearing headphones. They board the ship, but the clamp holds it in place, so Nash's droid and Inaya's droid go outside to remove the towing clamp. The ship falls as they try to repair the ship, which Inaya manages just in time to stop the ship crashing again.
They take the ship to the library opening, and Inaya apologises to her parents for being late, explaining about the test flight, but her parents are accepting, telling her they knew all along, as she would return smelling of engine grease, and her father reminds her that he gave her the first tool set she owned when she was little. And together they opening the library.

High Points : The first episode of The Young Jedi Adventures, which has NO Jedi in it at all. This is a Nash episode, which is no bad thing as she's been a main character of the series since the start, and while she's been the focus of episodes before, she was always supported by the Jedi characters, so this is a fun outing, although one that defies the name of the show.

Low Points : I'm not sure I can get behind the idea of the episode, that the Princess is so hard done by, people won't accept that she is a good engineer and pilot. I immediately think of Princess Anne here in the United Kingdom, she is obviously a Princess, but also was an Olympian, competing for the country, in a way that her status helped rather than hindered her. But even ignoring that, I find it difficult to feel for the princess being oppressed because people don't take her seriously.

So what do you really think ? : Now these episodes all have a message, and I think the one they intended this episode to have, was to not judge other people by their status or job. But I can't help but wonder if it isn't a trans or gay acceptance message as well, as it's something she's been keeping secret from her parents, and when she comes out to them, they knew all along? Or is that just me seeing something that's not there?

Final Words : A fun episode, and Nash performs a far more supportive role that the Young Jedi would have done, they always seem to need to fail in some way, to teach a lesson of trying again, or learning from your mistakes. But Nash makes no errors here, the story is driven my Inaya, and Nash is just a helpful and supportive friend throughout.

Score : 8/10

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