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Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures: Season 2: Story 7: Nubs Big Mistake

What is it ? : The young Jedi are exploring the ruined parts of the Jedi Temple along with Master Zanna and Master Yoda, when Nubs notices a Mural showing an adult Pooba Jedi Knight. Yoda identifies it as Jedi Master Barabo, and Nubs finds a hidden panel where they discover the broken lightsaber of Barabo. Yoda invites Nubs to accompany him in returning it to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Nash takes them on the Crimson Firehawk, but they encounter a comet and Nash asks Nubs to keep an eye on the sensors, but he is distracted by the lightsaber which he is obsessing over, and the ship gets caught in the comet tail.
Nash gets Nubs to man the guns, but again he becomes distracted by the lightsaber and the ship is damaged before it can leave the comets tail, meaning they have to land to make repairs, but a piece falls off as they come in to land, so they head out to retrieve the piece.
They discover it in the grasp of a carnivorous plant, Nubs tries to retrieve it, but is so concentrating on keeping the lightsaber safe, he drops it, and the plant consumes both the lightsaber and the missing starship piece.
Nubs is upset as he blames himself for everything, but Yoda counsels him to be like Barabo and concentrate not on his mistakes, but instead on putting things right. Working together, they tempt the plant into opening up by Yoda levitating berries near to it's mouth. As it opens, Nash jams it open with a stick while Nubs recovers the lightsaber and starship part, they then allow it to feed on the berries.
They complete their journey to Corscuant, and Yoda introduces Nubs to Professor Huyang, he recognises the lightsaber, and repairs it. With permission from Yoda he gives the lightsaber to Nubs who ignites it . . .

High Points : I found it really cool that Nubs finds a Jedi Master of his race was famous on Tenoo, and it's pretty inspiring to see this connection he forges with the past. Once again it feels like a gay / trans reference in this kids show, with him needing to recognise that his race is accepted within the community.
It's also absolutely wonderful to see Professor Huyang back, voiced as always by David Tennant, although chronologically I believe this is now his earliest appearance, some 100 years before he appeared in the Clone Wars series.

Low Points : The episode is called Nubs Big Mistake, but while you could consider that his mistake is becoming obsessed by the lightsaber, it really seems there are a series of mistakes he causes getting them in deeper and deeper trouble. Which just makes him seem foolish, the writers give him his big moment of acceptance, and then snatch it away by making him a fool.

So what do you really think ? : While a lot happens, I didn't like that it's all Nubs fault, especially when Yoda is right there, and takes no responsibility for the safety of the children in his care. Jedi training does seem to be a matter of putting kids in danger and considering it a lesson if they survive.

Final Words : While it's nice to see each of the kids getting to be the star of their own episodes so early in this season, this one feels particularly weak. Perhaps it's the lack of dialogue, since Nubs is the star, but only speaks the Pooba language, so we get a lot of people speaking explanatory dialogue to Nubs. And again it feels like a lost opportunity to make Zanna's new Padawan, Wes Vinik, more of the story, as him escorting Nubs, Nash and the lightsaber back to Coruscant would make sense, and allow mistakes to happen as he's not supposed to be a super wise and powerful Jedi Master.

Score : 7.5/10

Comments made about this Article!

21/Dec/2024 19:06:53 Posted by catsi563

man I have always despised the Jedi kidnap children endanger them put them in bad situations nonsense

its so lazy. OMG an authority figure they must be corrupt greedy part of some Machiavellian conspiracy to rule the world while simultaneously so inept they cant tie their shoelaces together without the aid of some plucky child fresh out of diapers and with training wheels still on their speeder and an attitude bigger than jupiter

22/Dec/2024 10:48:22 Posted by Freddy

This episode doesn't really have Yoda relying on them, but he does pretty much stand aside and let them put themselves in danger.
I suppose it could be seen as he's letting them learn, and would have stepped in to help them if they were really in danger. But even then, Nash isn't one of his students, she's just a kid who works for her parents company instead of attending any type of school, which also really makes the Star Wars universe look pretty uncivilised.

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