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Hap (Latero Bartender) | Tholothian | Sira (Weequay Revenger) | Major Rhymer (Human Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot) |
What is it ? : Kai, Lys, Nubs, Nash and Wes Vinik are at Yarrum Tower buying supplies, Wes doesn't like the place as he doesn't trust pirates. But the Young Jedi introduce him to Chigg, an ex-pirate whose crew now just trade in fruit. They realise that there are parts they forgot to get, so Wes goes back to collect them.
In the marketplace he overhears the Ganguls recruiting pirates for a raid on Variax to steal starships, he intervenes but the Ganguls capture him in one of their energy cages. Taking him prisoner and gaining much respect among the pirates, who join them on their raid.
The Young Jedi see Wes being loaded about a shuttle to be taken to the Ganguls cruiser, the Rathtar's Revenge, and use grapples to winch themselves to the shuttle and be taken aboard.
They see Wes taken to the bridge and they confront the Ganguls, but are disarmed and taken prisoner, and are shocked to see their friend Chigg now working for the Ganguls, and he takes them from the bridge to be disposed of. But Chigg reveals that he is there to help them, and he frees them from the restraints put upon them.
The Rathtar's Revenge arrives at Variax, and the Young Jedi contact Nash to cause a distraction so they can rescue Wes, and she flies the Crimson Firehawk into the hangar of the cruiser. But things go badly for the Young Jedi as the number of pirates is vast, and droids drop onto the hull of the Crimson Firehawk and begin smashing at the cockpit windows.
Nash spins the ship around to throw the droids off, and as she celebrates she accidentally fires the ships weapons damaging the cruiser from the inside and causing it to lurch to one side, so the deck is at 90 angle to the ground. The Young Jedi rescue Wes, and leap aboard the Crimson Firehawk as defence fighters from Variax approach the cruiser, and order them to leave.
Returning to Yarrum Tower, Wes apologises to Chigg for not trusting him, and Chigg hugs him as the children laugh . . .
High Points : This one is actually really action packed, and there are some moments where things really don't look good for the heroes, when the droids have dropped onto the Crimson Firehawk and are bashing at the cockpit windows, while the Young Jedi themselves are confronted by a horde of pirates. The tension is solid, and well done, without being too scary for the kid audience it is intended for.
Low Points : While the Pirates have kind of been befriended in the series, it really can't decide whether Yarrum tower is supposed to be scary or not. And Wes is absolutely right, these are thieves and murderers, while some of them might owe the Young Jedi favours, or be friendly towards the kids, this is still the place where stolen goods are fenced, where pirate raids are organised, it's the very definition of a Star Wars hive of scum and villainy.
So what do you really think ? : While the story is one of the weakest we've seen recently, reliant on Wes being captured, when he's aware of the net weapon the Ganguls use, so should be able to avoid it rather than being totally surprised by it. But the action is really well done, and is a slightly larger scale that we've seen before, being very Star Wars, so lifts the episode up vastly.
Final Words : This episode really features one of the best elements of Young Jedi Adventures, the universe it builds around the main characters. From different episodes we've got Wes, Chigg, and the Ganguls. None of these characters have interacted before, but their relationships are set around their previous interactions with the Young Jedi. And this makes such a short episode seem so much more fleshed out.
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