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A beacon of civilization, protection, and commerce in the vast expanse of space, the Bastion Deep Space Platform was designed as a modular, customizable space station for military or civilian use. Each of the three outer platforms can be outfitted with a customized module (the base model consists of no-frills landing surfaces), and up to three docking modules can be added.
Module Descriptions (cost):
Hangar Module (3,000,000):
This module consists of a cavernous five-story hangar bay complete with a heavy outer door and magnetic atmospheric containment field. While the center of the bay is left open, three levels of starfighter berths line the edge of the hangar, which allow the hangar to store and maintain up to 200 starfighters of average size, or about 50 light transports. Extra fuel cells and supplies for the fighters are stored beneath the hangar.
(Shown as module one on the picture)
Docking module (3,000,000)
This module extends from the main body of the station between the main platforms. It has a capacity to dock four large starships (mostly corvettes, and light cruisers if they’re careful). The center disk of the module consists of a round plaza with large viewports, and it often contains a modest assortment of restauraunts, shops, and lodging.
(Shown with a Marauder Corvette Mk II docked)
Transport module (2,000,000)
Add 10,000 tons of cargo capacity to stats
Guaranteed to attract the business of independent spacers, this module is capable of accomodating up to 10 light transports more effectively than in the standard hangar module. The landing pits are recessed by 4 meters, and covered with a magnetic atmostpheric containment field. When a transport lands, the top is usually still exposed to space, but personnel can enter and exit safely using a ventral hatch or boarding ramp. This allows ships to easily take off and land. This module can provide basic refueling and maintenance, and it has pressurized cargo storage areas underneath the main surface.
(Shown as module number two on the picture)
Repair/Cargo Module (6,000,000)
Additional Crew: 50-200 enginers
Add 100,000 tons of cargo capacity to stats
A welcome sight for the unlucky spacer, this module consists of a large Spacedock complex capable of servicing large bulk transports and even small capital ships (anything larger than a Loronar Strike Cruiser or Carrack Light Cruiser gets tricky). The Spacedock could theoretically build such a ship as well, if the crew were properly trained, had the necessary supplies, and wouldn’t mind using the dock for a few months. This module also has a pressurized hangar capable of performing massive repair and refit work on light freighters, starfighters, and other ships of that general size. The rest of the platform area is devoted to providing a surface to magnetically attach bulk cargo modules to. The levels beneath the main surface contain pressurized cargo storage areas and starship maintenance supplies and equipment.
(Shown as module 3-R / 3-C on the picture).
Habitat Module (5,000,000)
Add to passenger capacity 500 (luxury), 2,000 (standard), or 5,000 (barracks)
Perfect for making your own deep-space colony, resort, or refugee center, this module contains lodging, consumables, independent power supply, and waste processing facilities. Makeshift clinics, schools, and shops can also be added.
(Not pictured)
Hospital Module (10,000,000)
Add 100 medical personnel to crew
While the base model contains medical facilities sufficient for the station, this state of the art medical facility can treat up to 500 additional patients. It also has a small docking bay for two shuttles, cargo for medical supplies, and an independent power supply.
(Not pictured)
Gun Emplacement (500,000)
Each gun emplacement is a modular, self-contained unit with an independent shield, life support, and power system (hence their large size). This means the guns can keep firing even if the station is disabled. In an emergency, they can also be hooked up to function as backup generators for the station. The station can have up to twelve such emplacements, with civilian models typically having no more than six (and only with local government approval). Each gun emplacement has two weapon systems and uses the following stats (instead of the station’s stats):
Scale: Capital
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D (covers whole emplacement)
Weapon: Turbolaser Battery
Scale: Capital
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Space Range:3-15/35/75
Fire Arc: 180 degree turret
Fire Control: 2D
Damage: 7D
Weapon: Quad Laser Cannon
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 4D
Damage: 5D
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Stats, Image and Descriptive Text by Slinger.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.