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Ezra Bridger (Human Jedi) {as of Ahsoka}

Ezra Bridger (Human Jedi) {as of Ahsoka}
Apailana (Human Queen of Naboo)

Apailana (Human Queen of Naboo)
Kef Bir (The Ocean Moon of Endor)

Kef Bir (The Ocean Moon of Endor)

Name: Corellian Defense Vessel
Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation Defense Vessel
Type: Combat Corvette
Scale: Capital
Length: 255 m
Crew: 175
Passengers: 100
Cargo Capacity: 800 mt
Consumables: 1.5 years
Cost: 4 million (new); 2 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 300; 800kmh
Hull: 4D+1
Shields: 2D+2
        Passive 30/1D
        Scan 50/2D
        Search 80/3D
        Focus 4/4D
         8 Quad Laser Cannons
                Scale: Starfighter
                Fire Arc: 2F, 2L, 2R, 2B
                Fire Control: 2D
                Space Range: 1-3/12/25
                Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5
                Damage: 5D
        2 Ion Cannons
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Fire Control: 2D
                Space Range: 1-3/7/36
                Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3.6
                Damage: 4D+1
        Tractor Beam
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Fire Control: 2D
                Space Range: 1-3/7/15
                Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/1.5km
                Damage: 3D

Starfighter Complement: 6 starfighters

Capsule: After seeing their Correllian Corvette work so well as a fighting vessel for the Empire, New Republic, Planetary governments, Corporations, Pirates, and just about anyone else, CEC decided to create a dedicated light combat ship that could be used as a blockade runner/planetary defense ship. The Correllian defense ship is just one example of this endeavor. While not as versatile as the Correllian Corvette, the Correllian defense vessel does have its advantages, such as its ability to carry a small number of fighters. While it hasn't caught on yet, CEC is still confident that the little ship will become popular.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by Knighthamer253.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

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