Description: Both the Clone Wars and the following Galactic Civil war led to massive casualties both among the various factions involved in them and in the civilian population caught up in the middle of the battles. While many ships were destroyed outright, many more were crippled leaving their crews fleeing in short range lifepods or left aboard a dying vessel with only limited life support left. The Corellian RK-20 Rescue Ship was designed to operate within fleets and from planetary surfaces to retrieve ship crew from crippled vessels. Equipped with tractor beams to bring aboard escape pods, large medical facilities and with plenty of space for the rescued people, as well as fairly fast drives to bring it to the site of any space distasters. These vessels have not proven popular with fleets, although many planets use them for rescues within their systems and countless people owe their lives to these dependable and versatile starships.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by FreddyB. Image is from the Star Wars Fan Film "Revelations", copyright remains with the Artist.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.