Description: The Bombadron Heavy Attack Starfighter was designed to fulfil the same role as the Y-Wing Starfighter, but is a more massive fighter and carries a much larger payload. With a mixture of Concussion Missiles and Proton Torpedoes it can hammer targets, however this is not the feature which has led to the success of this starfighter. The main advantage of this vessel are the twin cargo holds situated either side of the cockpit, which allow modification and enhancement of the vessel, whether it is to carry larger weapons such as Space Bombs, turrets for defensive fire, or for accomodation for longer ranged patrols and missions. Bounty Hunters have also taken to this vessel, using the cargo holds for speeder bikes and other equipment, or for holding cells for captured fugitives. Geldar Manufacturing has not repeated the success of this design, but has released a number of other starfighters, all of which have sold poorly with the corporations profits hanging solely on this vessel.
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Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur" copyright resides with him.
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