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Name: Jedi Epsilon-5 Bomber Module
Type: Kuat Systems Engineering Epsilon-5 Bomber Module
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 9 Meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - Epsilon-5
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter Piloting 4D+2, Starship Gunnery 4D+1
Consumables: 2 Weeks
Cost: 105,000 (used), 45,000 (used module only)
Cargo Capacity: 20 Kilograms
Hyperdrive Multiplier: NA
Hyperdrive Backup: NA
Nav Computer: Can Store 5 Jumps
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350;1000kmh
Maneuverability: 2D
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 2D
         Passive: 20/0D+1
         Scan: 35/1D+1
         Search: 50/2D+1
         Focus: 2/2D+2
         Twin Light Blaster Cannons
                 Fire Arc: Turret
                 Fire Control: 3D
                 Space: 1-2/10/20
                 Atmosphere Range: 50-100/500/1.5km
                 Damage: 3D
         Twin Heavy Laser Cannons
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space: 1-3/15/25
                 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.5/2.5km
                 Damage: 5D
         Proton Torpedo Launcher (5 Torpedo Magazine)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space: 1/3/7
                 Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700m
                 Damage: 9D

Description: The Delta-7 Aethersprite was a hugely successful starfighter, purchased mainly by the Jedi Order it was fast, manueverable and deadly in combat. As demands on the design increased when the Clone Wars began, Kuat Systems Engineering began a series of upgrades to allow the design to survive the more dangerous era that had begun, while the fighter was almost completely redesigned as it evolved towards the TIE series of fighters, and number of less well known designs were produced int he meantime. Some of these were direct upgrades like the Delta-20 Warsprite Fighter, but others were evolutions of concepts of the Delta-7. The Epsilon-3 Modular fighter evolves the concept of a modular design introduced by the Hyperspace ring used by the Delta-7, allowing fighters to be rapidly modified dependant on battle conditions. The Bomber Module is added to the Epsilon-3, and the combined design is called the Epsilon-5, and replaces the Light Blaster Cannons with Heavy Laser cannons adding turret mounted Blaster Cannons for defence instead. The punch of the bomber is added by a Proton Torpedo Launcher, although the Bomber Module is weak compared to other bombers, it does make an outstanding fighter with powerful weapons, a tough hull and a high top speed, all of which make it a very desirable vessel which accounts for its still high resale price.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright resides with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

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