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Lieutenant Watts (Human Imperial Scout Walker Pilot) | Colonel Jendon (Human Imperial Pilot) | Onderonian Hunter/Seeker-Torpedo | Janu Godalhi (Human Constable, Historian, and Rebel) |
*: Like the Mon Cal Ships it is based on the Coral Buster has 6D of back up shields. When a die of shields is lost, if the operators can make an Easy - Capital Ship Shields total, one of the back up die codes of shields can be brought up to increase the shield back to 3D.
**: The Coral Buster has an advanced targeting computer built in which can automate the firing of the Vulcan Cannons, this system has a skill of 6D.
Description: With the Yuuzhan Vong forcing the New Republic into retreat across the galaxy, the shipyards were forced into overdrive to supply the vessels the Republic needed to withstand this assault. The Coral Buster is the result of an unprecidented alliance between all of the Republic's shipyards, a small fast capital vessel taking advantage of the best technology that the Republic has to offer. Featuring many Mon Calimari design features, the Coral Buster also has some new weapons, computers and sensors designed by SoroSuub, the Roche Hive and many other members of the Republic, making this one of the most high tech vessels ever constructed. The Coral Buster exists for one purpose, to combat the Vong, and uses projectile based weaponry for this purpose, and although this means that the Coral Buster needs to be resupplied more often than conventional vessels, these weapons do have large magazines, and the ship has a large cargo facility if resupply is not certain. The Coral Buster design is very powerful for a vessel its size, and has already proven its worth in combat, but the sheer expence of this class means that supplies of this vessel will always be more limited than the demands for its use.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright resides with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.