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Killi Gimm (Human Disciple of the Whills) | Loriach (Alazmec Sniper/Assassin) | Tetan Torture Droid | Omonoth |
*: This vessel features a standard Verpine stabilization cockpit, this enables it to perform incredibly agile twists and turns for a transport vessel while still retaining a stable firing platform. Should the vessel take heavy damage, and the system fails (a 1-2 on the damage roll) then maueverability drops by 1D, Space Speed drops to 5 and atmosphere speed drops to 250;800kmh.
Description: Although Slayn and Korpil are famous for their starfighter designs such as the B-Wing and Torrent Starfighters, the technology used in these vessels was originally designed for the transport vessels which need to manuever through the Roche Asteroid field where the Verpine dwell. These vessels feature cockpit stabilization systems to allow the pilots to rotate the vessels through small gaps in the field, while avoiding throwing the occupants around in their seats. The RockGlider Assault Transport bridges the two fields that Slayn and Korpil are famous for, making a combat transport vessel which is manueverable and nimble enough to survive the dangers of the modern battlefield. These shuttles have been bought in moderate numbers by the New Republic, keen to phase out the Lambda shuttles which are so visible a symbol of the Empire but remain so common throughout the galaxy. However the RockGlider is somewhat too small to replace the Lambda, and although popular with Republic forces remains an uneconomical way of phasing out the reliable Lambda from Republic service.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by FreddyB. Image by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright remains with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.