Name: VRN-575 Space Transport
Type: SoroSuub VRN-575 Space Transport
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 28 Meters
Skill: Space Transports - VRN-575 Transport
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Space Transports 4D, Astrogation 3D, Starship Shields 4D
Passengers: 6
Consumables: 11 Months
Cost: 37,000 (used)
Cargo Capacity: 110 Tonnes
Hyperdrive Multiplier: X3
Hyperdrive Backup: N/A
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 300;850kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 4D
Shields: --
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 50/2D+1
Focus: 2/3D
Description: The SoroSuub VRN-575 is a light transport vessel designed to compete with the popular YT series of Corellian Space Transports, in fact the vessel is extremely similar to the YT-1300. The side cockpit and bow loading mandibles are in fact very similar to this design, although different enough for CEC's lawyers to fail in their attempt to get the design withdrawn from production. The VRN-575 is a fairly popular design, and continues to keep a good value in the second hand market, with internal systems being fairly easy to modify and maintain making this an economical vessel to keep operational and profitable even as the individual vessels age and begin to wear out.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright resides with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.