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Galactech "Grand Fury" Ground Assault Tank
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BlasTech Industries EE-4 carbine rifle

BlasTech Industries EE-4 carbine rifle

Name: DeltaRay Starfighter
Type: zZip Defence Concepts DeltaRay Starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 12.3 Meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting - DeltaRay
Crew: 1 + 1 Gunner
Crew Skill: Starfighter Piloting 5D, Starship Gunnery 4D, Starship Shields 3D
Consumables: 1 Week
Cost: 150,000 (new); 76,000 (used)
Cargo Capacity: 90 Kg
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: N/A
Nav Computer: Limited to 2 Jumps
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350;950kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Hull: 4D
Shields: 3D
         Passive: 30/1D
         Scan: 55/1D+2
         Search: 80/2D+1
         Focus: 2/3D
         2 Medium Laser Cannons (Fire-Linked)
                 Fire Arc: Front
                 Fire Control: 2D
                 Space: 1-3/12/25
                 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
                 Damage: 6D
         3 Proton Torpedo Launchers (18 Torpedo Magazine)
                 Fire Arc: 1 Front, 2 Back
                 Fire Control: 3D
                 Space: 1/3/7
                 Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700m
                 Damage: 9D

Description: The DeltaRay is a civilian starfighter designed to defend capital ships and installations, zZip Defence Concepts have designed the vessel with this role in mind. Although not overly fast, the vessel is designed to hit anything attacking it from behind with its dual rear Proton Torpedo Launchers, and its forward laser cannons are backed up by another Torpedo Launcher which feeds from the same magazine. To help with the rear firing launchers, the gunners seat can rotate into a rear facing position, although the control systems also allow good control from its standard forward facing position. Although commonly based aboard the vessels or stations it is to defend, the fighter is equipped with a hyperdrive to allow interception and defence of remote targets. The DeltaRay has sold in reasonable numbers, but its unexciting design means that it has never grabbed the same market share as Incom or Keonsayr fighters.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image is by "Bob the Dinosaur", copyright resides with him.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

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