Equipped with:
Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
one visual and one auditory sensor - human range
Vocabulator speach/ sound system
DX45 KnowData Brain
Translate Communications module with over 2.5 million languages
Small internal cargo area
Move: 8
Size: 1.8 meters tall
Cost: 1,500 (used)
Description: The 3D4X was designed by Genetech to fill a role similar but not identical to the 3PO series of droids, since Cybot Galactica had the protocol droid market pretty much sewn up, they created this droid to be able to translate, but also to be able to be of use to business men. The 3D4X is capable of running the day to day dealings of a business, although in more important business dealings and negociations the droid lacks the authority to finish deals. The personality matrix of the 3D4X was the real triumph for the droids creators, aloof yet deferential, with each droid possessing a distinctive personality of their own.
Page designed in Notepad, logos done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Image by Bill Hughes. Copyright remains with Lucasfilm
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.