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Self-Cauterizing Scalpel

Self-Cauterizing Scalpel

Name: DC-17m Commando Rifle
Model: BlasTech DC-17m Blaster Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster; Blaster Rifle
Ammo: 60 / 5 / 4
Cost: 3,000 (Power Packs: 25)
Availability: 2,X
Range (Rifle): 3-30/100/300
Range (Sniper): 5-50/150/600
Range (Grenade): 6-14/40/80
Damage (Rifle): 5D+2
Damage (Sniper): 7D
Damage (Grenade): 8D/5D/2D
Blast Radius: 0-3/6/10

Description: The DC-17m Blaster Rifle is the standard issue blaster for the Clone commandos. This weapon is a variant of the DC-15 blaster rifle, which is what standard Clone troopers use. The DC-17m is much smaller and lighter than the DC-15. It is an effective weapon that can be used with deadly force, and can be field-stripped, and outfitted with a modular sniper attachment or anti-armor attachment. The DC-17m's primary Blaster attachment has a magazine capacity of sixty rounds, with Clone Commandos carrying up to five magazines for a total of three hundred rounds. The Sniper attachment has magazines holding five high-powered rounds, with each Commando carrying up to four magazines for a total of twenty sniper shots, while the anti-armor attachment only chambers one shaped-charge anti-armor grenade at a time though a Commando may carry an additional three in reserve. The weapon has a readout that keeps track of and displays the total amount of compatible ammunition and ordnance currently being carried by the Clone Commando. Switching the barrel attachments requires one action.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Stats by Descriptive Text from Wikipedia. Image is from Republic Commando, copyright resides with LucasArts.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.

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