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Knights of the Old Republic d6 implants

Knights of the Old Republic d6 implants



To use an implant, a character must first have an implant bio-slot installed. This device works with nearly all styles of implants, and allows a character to switch implants at will without extensive surgery. To install an Implant Bio-Slot, a character must make a successful Medicine: Cyborging (Moderate difficulty) roll. Negative side effects applied due to a failed roll is up to the Gamemaster's discretion. A character may only have 1 implant in use at any one time.


Certain implants may be larger or smaller than others, to compensate for this, there are three different sizes of Implant Bio-Slots.


Level 1 Bio-Slot is the smallest kind of Bio-Slot, and only works with level 1 implants.

Requirement: Successful Easy Strength roll to determine if bodily system adapts to the new device.


Level 2 Bio-Slot is 5 centimeters larger than the level 1 bio-slot, and works with level 1 or level 2 implants.

Requirement: Successful Easy Strength roll to determine if bodily system adapts to the new device.


Level 3 Bio-Slot is 10 centimeters larger than the level 1 bio-slot, and works with implants level 1, 2 or 3.

Requirement: Successful Easy Strength roll to determine if bodily system adapts to the new device.



Cardio Package

Implant level 1

Strength +2 (does not affect defense)


Memory Package

Implant level 1

Knowledge +2

Mechanical +2

Technical +1D


Response Package

Implant level 1

Dexterity +1D

Mechanical +2


Nerve Enhancement Package

Implant level 2

Immunity to most stuns.


Retinal Combat Implant

Implant level 2

Effect: When opponents roll damage against a character with a Retinal Combat implant activated, the attacker's wild dice is replaced by a regular dice.

Perception +1D


Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant

Implant level 3

Immunity to most stuns.

Immunity to most poisons.


Beemon Package

Implant level 3

Strength +1D+1 (does not affect defense)


Cardio Power System

Implant level 3

Strength +1D+2


Bio-Antidote Package

Implant level 3

Immunity to most poisons






Stimulants are used to temporarily bolster an aspect of a character. Long term use of stimulants can have disasterous effects (the GM's discretion). Stimulants are used simply by injecting the stimulant into a character's blood stream by using a First Aid: Stimulants roll (difficulty: easy).


Adrenal Alacricity

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Dexterity +1D+1

+20% Move

Duration: 120 seconds


Adrenal Stamina

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Defense +2

Stamina +2D

Duration: 120 seconds


Adrenal Strength

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Strength +1D+1 (does not affect defense)

Duration: 120 seconds


Hyper-Adrenal Alacricity

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Dexterity +2D

+30% Move

Duration: 120 seconds


Hyper-Adrenal Stamina

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Defense +1D

Duration: 120 seconds


Hyper-Adrenal Strength

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Strength +2D+2 (does not affect defense)

Duration: 120 seconds


Battle Stimulant

Skill: First Aid: Stimulants

Hit Points +2

Attack +2

Damage +2

Duration: 120 seconds


Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by Joe St. Laurent, based on Knights of the
Old Republic by LucasArts and Bioware.

Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.




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