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The planet is completely covered in water, except for Ahto City, a large city made by the Selkath, the native species on Manaan. It was once the galaxies most important planet besides Corruscant for being the sole planet where kolto, a plant with natural healing properties far more effective than the modern bacta, can be grown. Kolto harvesting and shipping is the planet's central industry. The Selkath exploited this resource to ensure their safety from both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, who are unable to attack the planet for fear of damaging the kolto. The planet features an oceanic swoop-racing course, several hotels and cantinas, both Sith and Republic embassies. It also has an underwater research station that is attacked by a giant firaxan shark that is defending the kolto and its young. It was once a member world of the Infinite Empire, and concealed a Rakatan Star Map in its watery depths.
During the Jedi Civil War, Darth Revan arrived to Manaan to find a Star Map hidden at the ocean floor deep under Ahto City. However, in order to reach it, the Revan had to either poison the giant firaxa, or destroy the Hrakert station secretly built by the Republic to harvest kolto near its source.
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