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Knights of the Old Republic d6 Energy Shields

Knights of the Old Republic d6 Energy Shields



Energy Shields are used for extra defense in a heated battle. Energy Shield generators are worn like bracers on the forearm, where controls are easily accessible. Once activated, it generates a body-forming force field to protect the wearer. Clothes, weapons, armor, or other items are not encompassed by the shield to ensure maximum offensive capabilities.

When used appropriately, energy shields can make all the difference between life and death.

The main weakness of energy shields is that physical objects may still pass through it, in this sense, they are not traditional force fields.


Droid Energy Shield Mk1

Protects against: Energy, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 20

Duration: 200 seconds


Droid Energy Shield Mk2

Protects against: Energy, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 30

Duration: 200 seconds


Droid Energy Shield Mk3

Protects against: Energy, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 50

Duration: 200 seconds


Droid Environmental Shield Mk1

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 20

Duration: 200 seconds


Droid Environmental Shield Mk2

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 30

Duration: 200 seconds


Droid Environmental Shield Mk3

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 50

Duration: 200 seconds


Energy Shield

Protects against: Energy, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 20

Duration: 200 seconds


Sith Energy Shield

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 30

Duration: 200 seconds


Arkanian Energy Shield

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 40

Duration: 200 seconds


Echani Energy Shield

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 50

Duration: 200 seconds


Mandalorian Melee Shield

Protects against: Physical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 20

Duration: 200 seconds


Mandalorian Power Shield

Protects against: Energy, Physical, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 30

Duration: 200 seconds


Echani Dueling Shield

Protects against: Energy, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 60

Duration: 200 seconds


Yusani's Dueling Shield

Protects against: Energy Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 100

Duration: 200 seconds


Prototype Verpine Shield

Protects against: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical

Defense: 1D

Hit Points: 70

Duration: 200 seconds


Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by Joe St. Laurent, based on Knights of the Old Republic by LucasArts and Bioware.

Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.


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