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Knights of the Old Republic d6 Grenades and Mines

Knights of the Old Republic d6 Grenades and Mines






Damage Type: What type of damage the Grenade/Mine applies

Damage: How much damage the Grenade/Mine does

Save: What roll is necessary to resist the effects of the Grenade/Mine (if any)

Effect: What effect besides damage the Grenade/Mine applies

Blast Radius: Anything within this distance of the Grenade/Mine when it goes off is affected

Detonation: What is required to set off the Grenade/Mine

Stealth: What difficulty Perception or Search must be beaten to spot the mine

Skill: What skill is necessary to successfully use the Grenade/Mine



Fragmentation Grenade

Damage type: Physical

Damage: 4D+2

Blast radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Very Easy)


Stun Grenade

Damage type: N/A

Damage: N/A

Save: Difficult Stamina

Effect: Stun

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Easy)


Poison Gas Grenade

Damage type: N/A

Damage: Poison, 3D per round

Save: Heroic Stamina

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Easy)


Sonic Grenade

Damage type: Energy (bypasses armor resistance)

Damage: 3D+2

Save: Difficult Stamina

Effect: -2D Dexterity

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Moderate)


Adhesive Grenade

Damage type: Physical

Damage: N/A

Save: None

Effect: Entangled (Entangled creatures suffer a -1D penalty to all attack rolls, a -2D penalty to their Dexterity scores, and can only move at half of their normal Movement scores. Entangled characters can attempt to escape, but this requires a Difficult Strength check to accomplish.)

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Moderate)


Cryoban Grenade

Damage type: Energy (bypasses armor resistance)

Damage: 3D+2

Save: Difficult Stamina

Effect: Paralyze

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Moderate)


Plasma Grenade

Damage type: Energy (bypasses armor resistance)

Damage: 6D

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Moderate)


Ion Grenade

Damage type: Energy

Damage: 2D+2 (6D+1 vs. mechanicals)

Blast Radius: 4 meters

Detonation: Impact

Skill: Grenades (Moderate)






Minor Flash Mine

Damage type: N/A

Damage: N/A

Save: Difficult Stamina

Effect: Stun

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Easy

Skill: Explosives: Flash Mine (Easy)

Note: Successful Security (Moderate) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Flash Mine (Moderate) required to disarm.


Average Flash Mine

Damage type: N/A

Damage: N/A

Save: Very Difficult Stamina

Effect: Stun

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Moderate

Skill: Explosives: Flash Mine (Moderate)

Note: Successful Security (Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Flash Mine (Difficult) required to disarm.


Deadly Flash Mine

Damage type: N/A

Damage: N/A

Save: Heroic Stamina

Effect: Stun

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Difficult

Skill: Explosives: Flash Mine (Difficult)

Note: Successful Security (Very Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Flash Mine (Very Difficult) required to disarm.


Minor Fragmentation Mine

Damage type: Physical

Damage: 3D+1

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Easy

Skill: Explosives: Fragmentation Mine (Easy)

Note: Successful Security (Moderate) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Fragmentation Mine (Moderate) required to disarm.


Average Fragmentation Mine

Damage type: Physical

Damage: 5D+1

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Moderate

Skill: Explosives: Fragmentation Mine (Moderate)

Note: Successful Security (Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Fragmentation Mine (Difficult) required to disarm.


Deadly Fragmentation Mine

Damage type: Physical

Damage: 8D

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Difficult

Skill: Explosives: Fragmentation Mine (Difficult)

Note: Successful Security (Very Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Fragmentation Mine (Very Difficult) required to disarm.


Minor Plasma Mine

Damage type: Energy (bypasses armor resistance)

Damage: 4D+1

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Easy

Skill: Explosives: Plasma Mine (Easy)

Note: Successful Security (Moderate) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Plasma Mine (Moderate) required to disarm.


Average Plasma Mine

Damage type: Energy (bypasses armor resistance)

Damage: 6D+2

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Moderate

Skill: Explosives: Plasma Mine (Moderate)

Note: Successful Security (Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Plasma Mine (Difficult) required to disarm.


Deadly Plasma Mine

Damage type: Energy (bypasses armor resistance)

Damage: 10D

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Difficult

Skill: Explosives: Plasma Mine (Difficult)

Note: Successful Security (Very Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Plasma Mine (Very Difficult) required to disarm.


Minor Poison Gas Mine

Damage type: N/A

Damage: Poison, 2D per round

Save: Difficult Stamina

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Easy

Skill: Explosives: Poison Gas Mine (Easy)

Note: Successful Security (Moderate) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Poison Gas Mine (Moderate) required to disarm.


Average Poison Gas Mine

Damage type: N/A

Damage: Poison, 3D per round

Save: Heroic Stamina

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Moderate

Skill: Explosives: Poison Gas Mine (Moderate)

Note: Successful Security (Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Poison Gas Mine (Difficult) required to disarm.


Deadly Poison Gas Mine

Damage type: N/A

Damage: Poison, 4D per round

Save: Heroic +5 Stamina

Blast Radius: 3.3 meters

Detonation: Impact, Proximity

Stealth: Difficult

Skill: Explosives: Poison Gas Mine (Difficult)

Note: Successful Security (Very Difficult) required to approach mine without setting it off. Successful Explosives: Poison Gas Mine (Very Difficult) required to disarm.


Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by Joe St. Laurent, based on Knights of the Old Republic by LucasArts and Bioware.

Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.


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