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Toxic Star Wars Fans

        I'm writing this because of the recent stories about Kelly Marie Tran having to quit Instagram due to racist and sexist comments. And I'd just like to make it clear, the writers of those comments can go run into a wall repeatedly until their brains squish out of their fractured skulls. I'm constantly confused by Sexism and Racism (and homophobia to add one to the list), I just don't get them at all. I dislike people based on how they act, what they say, and who they are, I don't care about colour of skin, what sex organs you have, or what sex organs excite you, I just care about how much I can tolerate you.

        So, nasty things have been said to Kelly Marie Tran, and before her Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, all of whom I consider wonderful additions to the Star Wars pantheon, these young actors are great to watch, and while I may not enjoy everything they do, if you look through my reviews of the movies they're in, you'll find that I commend each of the actors for their skill on screen. I've not seen much that Kelly Marie Tran has done off screen, but John Boyega and Daisy Ridley have been fantastic exponents of Star Wars and worthy of hero worship alongside, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford.

        But I have to say to the people saying these things, STOP IT. You're ruining it for all of us.

        Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a movie with massive problems, it's badly edited and doesn't stylistically match with The Force Awakens, and doesn't even thematically hang together as a movie (Its message is let go of the past, but ends with kids telling the story of Luke Skywalker, totally undermining it's own message). But now, everyone who has criticisms of the new movies from Force Awakens onwards, is now grouped in with the racists and sexists, and can be easily ignored.
        "Oh, you don't like Rey, then you must be sexist!"
        But not everyone who dislikes the character is sexist, while I do like Rey as a character, considering her a mary-sue isn't sexist (as I've seen it called in the press today). Rey gains all her training in 2 lessons from Luke, and is then considered a Jedi, so there's grounds for saying she just gets her powers because the writer wants her to, not because she earns them.
        Now, I know there were cut scenes from The Last Jedi, which explained that Rey was absorbing Kylo Ren's training through their mental link, which totally explains everything. But they cut that scene, so what's left doesn't make sense. It would have been a better movie had that been left in, but we can't judge Rey's characterisation, or the plot of the movie by what was left on the cutting room floor, we can only judge what they put into the final cut. So, calling her a Mary Sue is completely justified (and to say once again, not something I personally believe).

        All arguments against Disney's handling of the movies, and criticism is now bundled in with hate speech and the pathetic ramblings of misguided fools, and therefore ignored. The more they can ignore relevant and useful criticism, the more they will continue making poor choices. So again, racist and sexist idiots, just STOP IT, you're ruining it for all of us. You're making it easier for them to continue to ignore fan criticism, and believe that they're better than us. While still wanting our money.

        And to the people in charge of Star Wars at Disney, and the directors, who may be considering as apparently Rian Johnson told Mark Hamill to "ignore the fans". But as the box office from Solo suggests, ignore the fans at your peril. We want the best from the movies, and while Force Awakens was considered to be a virtual remake of A New Hope, we still watched it, and still made it a huge hit. We recognised that it had its reasons for being what it was, that you had to prove you could make Star Wars, before you started to tell your own stories. But at least make them the stories we want to hear. Don't bundle everyone together into one easily ignored group, but still expect us to fork out the cash when you release a movie and insult us for being "fans".

        But I'll leave on a final word for the Racist, Sexist Scum who send insulting messages to actors who are just doing their jobs. STOP IT. YOU'RE RUINING IT FOR ALL OF US. GET A LIFE, GET SOME COMMON SENSE, AND GET LOST, we really don't need your sort around here.

Comments made about this Article!

13/Jun/2018 01:28:54 Posted by hellstormer1

Thanks Freddy. Needs to be said. Something that everyone loved to enjoy growing up is being torn apart by people who don't know how to act or what to say, or when to not act or not say anything. It's sad.

13/Jun/2018 19:37:58 Posted by your friendly neighborhood random man

have you considered the possibility that this was a false flag designed to make the community seem more hostile than it actually is, and to actually place the blame of the new movies onto the fans who are all now supposedly straight white males, as opposed to the fact that TLJ was just bad and that Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, and probably JJ Abrams shouldn't be anywhere near these movies? They're the ones ruining Star Wars with their sub-par skills and compulsion to insert their personal politics into the movies (see that whole conversation on Canto Bight regarding the "war profiteering" people making tons of money, and pretty much everything else on Canto Bight)

13/Jun/2018 20:28:37 Posted by cjh

Look to George Lucas himself for "...inserting personal politics into the movies." He did, from the start. Nothing has changed but the quality of the movies. You can't pin it on "SJWs".
I really doubt there is some "false flag" operation to discredit the community; sounds like a paranoid attempt to ignore the ugly truth; we nerds can be pretty vicious.

13/Jun/2018 20:32:36 Posted by cjh

All you need is 5-10 minutes reading the comment feed while playing SWTOR to figure that last bit out.

13/Jun/2018 22:42:52 Posted by Freddy

Personally I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy or false flag operation, but I honestly do believe that Disney/Lucasfilm are taking advantage of the situation to avoid taking any of the blame for fan dissatisfaction and the subsequent low ratings for Solo.

It's not a million miles away from what any of us do if we f*ck up at work, look to see if anyone/anything else could be blamed instead of us.

And since writing this I've read that Pablo Hidalgo has also been targeted for racial abuse, which I find completely incomprehensible, he's definitely one of us, started his Star Wars career writing for West End Games in the Adventure Journal.

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