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18/January/2018 Posted by Freddy

        Mainly taking a break today before getting back into Clone Wars tomorrow, but couldn't resist making sure this one was done, I've added Edrison Peavey to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.

        The reason I couldn't resist this one, is that Edrison Peavey is played by the magnificent comedian, Adrian Edmondson. Ade has starred in comedies from The Young Ones, The Comic Strip Presents... and Bottom, to bit parts in Blackadder and now onto more serious roles. He amazed me when he appeared in the episode of Surviving Disaster about Chernobyl, and my respect for him as both a comedian and an actor capable of a surprising level of gravitas in roles knows no bounds. So, as I said, I couldn't resist.


Comments made about this Article!

20/Jan/2018 15:56:32 Posted by Alex Panzerkit

This book?

It is pretty cheap in the US . . . can you buy it and get shipped to where you are?

20/Jan/2018 15:57:20 Posted by Alex Panzerkit

This book?

It is pretty cheap in the US . . . can you buy it and get shipped to where you are?

20/Jan/2018 16:29:23 Posted by hellstormer1

Oh my bad, by "everything", I meant the movies. I've noticed too a cross-section pop up here or there from Rogue One, the Imperial tank. I think it's in the Rogue One Visual Guide, but not for sure yet (wish they'd give it its own Incredible Cross-Sections book!).

As for Clone Wars material, look what I found here!

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Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
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