Hello, Hellstormer1 here. I've been wanting to sit and do more, but time is hard to come by. BUT! I have one little gem to add to the Battlestar Galactica stuff I've been adding...the Colonial Raptor (Re-imagined Series)!
This little ship may not seem like much at first, a simple recon and support craft. But in the hands of a capable crew of two or three, using the Raptor's gear to their fullest, and you have a ship that is hard as heck to take down, tricky as all get out, and may elude even the most determined Cylons and other foes! For those interested, take a close look at the game notes in the Description area in the write-up.
On another note, I meant to finally sit down tonight and write up another article, D6 MISSILES. But when i looked for D6 FIREARMS, it was gone (I might have goofed again). So I have spent the time finding another copy, making some adjustments, and reposting it here. The old pic I didn't have on me. But the new pic in the article is better, I think...hehe!
D6 FIREARMS v1.3.2
D6 MISSILES, when I get it cranked out, will cover some extra rules people can use for missiles in their games. In short, missiles have always been the right hook to any ships left jab of other guns...they have much shorter range but pack one hell of a bang! These rules will do the same as D6 FIREARMS, taking the basic rules and expanding them, adding on some detail to flesh them out and giving GMs and more players more options for their weapons when they use them.
Some of this is mentioned heavily in the Raptor's write-up, as well as the Comments area for the Viper MkVII in Battlestar Galactica.
Hope you like the Raptor, more coming as soon as I get'em done!
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