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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic Terran AllianceSubtype: Space StationEra: Canon: Crossover

Name: GTI Arcadia
Type: Galactic Terran Alliance Arcadia Class Installation
Scale: Capital
Length: 3792 Meters
Skill: NA
Crew: 8000
Passengers/Troops: 12000
Crew Skill: Capital Ship Gunnery 4D+2
Consumables: 10 Years
Cargo Capacity: 65,000 Tons
Hyperdrive Multiplier: NA
Hyperdrive Backup: NA
Nav Computer: NA
Space: NA
Maneuverability: NA
Hull: 20D
Shields: 0D
            Passive: 50/1D
            Scan: 100/3D
            Search: 250/4D
            Focus: 3/4D+2

Fighters: 40
Transports: 6

            19 Medium Laser Cannon Turrets
                        Scale: StarFighter
                        Fire Arc: Turret
                        Fire Control: 3D
                        Space: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
                        Damage: 5D
            5 Heavy Laser Cannon Batteries
                        Scale: Capital
                        Fire Arc: Turret
                        Fire Control: 3D
                        Space: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
                        Damage: 5D

Description: Early Terran space stations were constructed much smaller, and were mostly used for Zero-G research purposes. Later on, with advancements in space construction technologies, stations grew bigger and bigger. When the first Arcadia-class station was commissioned, GTA decided to rename it to an Installation rather than a Space Station. Used for a variety of purposes, almost all major systems are home to at least one Installation, which is often used as the center of trade and communications. Home to scores of small ship, including repair vessels, fighters, and transports, an Arcadia class Installation is always a safe haven for a convoy of attack ships, returning from battle. Where the Orion is the symbol of Terran power, the Arcadia is the shining beacon of stability.

The GTI Arcadia is a multi-purpose installation that has served the Terran fleet since the days of the Great War. Almost every major star system is host to at least one Arcadia, which is often used as a center for trade and communications. Home to scores of small ships, including repair vessels, fighters, and transports, an Arcadia installation is always a hub of intrasystem and interstellar traffic. An Arcadia is not an easy target for hostile forces, as it combines the firepower of over 20 weapon turrets with the ability to launch up to ten wings of fighters from its fighterbay.

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