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October/2022 UPDATES

31/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And onto the high point of the Tales of the Jedi series (at least for me), Tales of the Jedi: Episode 4: The Sith Lord. The story of Dooku's fall to the Dark Side for all the right reasons, adding nobility to his cause and tragedy to his fall, excellent stuff.


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30/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And next in Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Jedi: Episode 3: Choices a decent enough episode, if not as good as the episodes which it is surrounded with.


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29/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And Tales of the Jedi really kicks off with an astoundingly good episode, Tales of the Jedi: Episode 2: Justice, one of the first which really fills in backstory and enhances the movies themselves, reinventing the character of Count Dooku and making him a much more noble and understandable character.


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28/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        So, here's my review of the first episode of the Tales of the Jedi Television series, Tales of the Jedi: Episode 1: Life and Death. Now I'm torn between alternating my reviews, with stat's updates based on the episodes, but I'm feeling that I'll review all 6 episodes, before moving onto the stats. So for the next 6 days we'll be having reviews (the rest of Tales of the Jedi, followed by the next episode of Andor), then we'll have a few days of stats, before eventually returning and completing Return of the Jedi.
        Once all of that is out of the way, we've got a few months of the Vader comic to catch up on, and then maybe a break before Andor finishes and I work my way through the stats of that series, which might take me through to the end of the year.


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27/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And this weeks episode of Andor, Andor: Season 1: Episode 8: Narkina 5, and my spoiler free comments are that nothing really happens, except we get introduced to a bunch more characters in a seriously character heavy show.


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26/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And today, the rest of the "R"s of Return of the Jedi, so I've added Rapotwanalantonee {Rappertunie} (Shawda Ubb Musician), Ree-Yees (Gran Dog Handler), Lieutenant Renz (Human Imperial Officer), Major Rhymer (Human Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot), & Romba (Ewok Warrior) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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25/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Just a few Astromechs today as we move onto the "R"s of Return of the Jedi, as I'm taking it gently after my mums funeral yesterday. But say what you want about the Galactic Empire, they certainly had some really nice looking Astromechs. Today I've added R2-Q5 (Imperial R2 Astromech Droid), R5-G19 (Rebel R5 Astromech Droid), & R5-J2 (Imperial R5 Astromech Droid) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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23/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And today we're covering the "P"s of Return of the Jedi, and have added Darth Sidious - Sheev Palpatine - The Galactic Emperor (Human Sith Lord) {as of Return of the Jedi}, Major Panno (Dresselian Rebel Officer), Paploo (Ewok Warrior), & Peekpa (Ewok Hacker) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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22/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the "O"s of Return of the Jedi, today we've added Corporal Oberk (Human Imperial Scout Trooper), Hermi Odle (Baragwin Weapons Specialist), Yotts Oren (Nikto Guard), & Orrimaarko (Dressellian Rebel Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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21/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And my review of the latest episode of Andor today, Andor: Season 1: Episode 7: Announcement, with my spoiler free review being that Luthen remains the best thing in the series, and the politics is pretty interesting with a load of tension building, while it all remains very pretty to look at. Sadly the weakest part of Andor, appears to be Andor himself (not the acting, but his storyline).


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20/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        I know today is supposed to be a Andor review day, but I haven't seen the latest episode yet, as other real world events obviously have disrupted any routine I've had. So here's the rest of the "N"s from Return of the Jedi, and I'll get the Andor review up tomorrow. Today I've added Nysad (Nikto Guard), Karie Neth (Human Rebel Starfighter Pilot), Nho-Apakk (Ewok Warrior), & Snipp Nkik (Jawa Criminal) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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19/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And onto the "N"s today as we continue through Return of the Jedi, and we've added Gauron Nas Tal (Saurin Combat Trainer), Loje Nella (Riorian Jabbas Court Member), Nicki (Ewok Warrior), & Ten Numb (Sullustan Rebel Starfighter Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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18/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        The rest of the "M"s today, so we've added Commander Merrejk (Human Imperial Officer/Spy), Major Mianda (Human Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot), & Corporal Midge (Human Rebel Special Forces) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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17/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And back to Return of the Jedi, and we're onto the "M"s, so today we've added Crix Madine (Human Rebel Officer), Malakili (Human Rancor Handler), Bane Malar (Telepathic Bounty Hunter), Lyn Me (Twi-lek Singer/Dancer), & Ephant Mon (Chevin Arms Dealer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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16/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Late by a few days due to personal events, here's my review of Andor: Season 1: Episode 6: The Eye, the spoiler free review is, wow, this one was really great, tense, with plenty of action, even if the twists and turns were a little cliched and obvious.


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14/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

At 2.54 am this morning, the 13th of October 2022, my mum died.

Born in the room above a barn in 1931 in the village of Offenham, and named June after the month she was born in, my mum had a somewhat idyllic start to life as a child in the town of Evesham which is in the Midlands of England. Her grandfather worked on a farm, and when she was visiting as a young girl he would collect her from the bottom of the hill with a large plough horse, and she would ride on it up the hill to his house. And as a girl born in Offenham, she was allowed to dance round the maypole in the village, which given there is no maternity hospital in Offenham I guess is a claim few can still make.

But Evesham isn't far outside Birmingham, a major industrial target in World War 2, and she would tell us stories of laying awake in her bed at night looking out of her bedroom window across the river valley at the hills opposite, and seeing German bombers silhouetted, which had dropped bombs on the city and were making their way along the river and onwards home. The village was the subject of some light bombing in the war, as the planes would have to drop all of the bombs they still had remaining after hitting their targets, to conserve fuel for the journey home, and would bomb any target of opportunity.
She used to tell a story of how one night, there were two trains crossing in opposite directions on the two parallel railway bridges over the river, one containing munitions, the other containing troops, and the sparks from the funnels attracted the attention of a bomber. If the bomb struck either of the trains, there would be massive casualties, as the explosion of the munitions train would destroy both. But the bomb instead dropped between the two bridges, and the next morning the children were dispatched to collect the masses of dead fish which had been blasted onto the river banks.
During one night, she was kept awake by a baby crying, only to complain to her father the next morning about the baby next door through the wall, only to be told that her mum had given birth, and she now had a brother, my Uncle Dennis.

Her father was a grocer, too old for service in the war and in a reserved trade, he would distribute the rationed foods to distant farms around the village. He also occasionally received goods from the local American military base to distribute as well, and my mum told stories of them receiving tins whose labels were lost in water damage, so it was a mystery as to what was going to be in each tin when they opened it, were they getting a tin of meat or veg, or a tin of peaches. She also told of one occasion when a crate of Mars Bars were water damaged in the shipping, and the base asked my Grandfather to dispose of them to the local pig farms. But he discovered only the outer layer had been damaged, and the inner ones were fine, so he distributed them to the children of the village.

After the war, she worked in a Woolworths store straight from school, and then she worked for the local newspaper, before signing up with the Womens Royal Naval Service, commonly called the Wrens. As a Wren she visited various parts of Europe in the years after the war, describing the devastation that she witnessed, and also telling the tale of visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris with a friend, and getting flashed, to which her and her friend burst into laughter at the culprit.

In the Wrens, who at the time were not allowed at sea, she served in supply, distributing uniforms and equipment to sailors, and because she served on the same Naval base as Prince Phillip during his service, she is one of the few who could claim to have handled his underwear.
It was here she also met my father, who came in to complain that his kit was wrong, calling her a "stupid bloody woman", and returning later to ask her out on a date as way of an apology, charms which I can only hope to have inherited.

As a couple serving in the military, my parents moved around a lot, which led to both of my brothers, my sister and I being born in different places around the UK.
When I was young, my Dad left, and my mum went from being a full time mum to having to work to support us. Among other places, she worked for an organisation called Crossroads, which cared for pensioners, with that care coming full circle as Crossroads provided care to my mum during her later years.

After my dad left, my mum's aim was always for there to be a safe place for her kids, she won the family home in the divorce settlement, and kept it as somewhere we could all move back in if we messed up in life and needed somewhere. Something we all availed ourselves at one point or other.

In her later years, she began suffering from Dementia, Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers, and her memory began suffering. It became a joke between us all, that she would rarely get our names right on the first attempt, and she would act like it was our fault for having the wrong name. Despite this confusion, she always knew one thing, that she loved us, and that we loved her, she might get names wrong but always asked after each of her grandchildren who she adored.

Dementia is a horrible illness, taking your loved one from you in pieces.

In her final couple of days in hospital, as the illnesses robbed her of her ability to speak, her final words to me were a response to me telling her that I loved her, "you too".

While it may seem greedy to want more days with someone who lived 91 years, in reality it just makes the absence I already feel, equal in enormity to the time I had with her.

I'm going to miss my mum, she always did us proud, and I hope we continue to all make her proud.

comments (9)

12/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the rest of the "L"s today, so we've added Lakotup (Ewok Scout), Laudica (Human Gun Runner), & Aved Luun (Jawa Shaman) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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11/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Onto the "L"s of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, and today have added Lathe (Nikto Guard), Leektar (Ewok Hunter), Logray (Ewok Shaman), & Wam Lufba (Yuzzum Pest Exterminator) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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10/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And finishing off the "K"s today, as we've added Bidlo Kwerve (Human Pirate), & Myn Kyneugh (Human Royal Guardsman Instructor) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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09/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        A bunch more "K"s today, mainly Ewoks, as we continue slowly through Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi. And we've added Kalit (Jawa Chief), Kazak (Ewok Elder), Keoulkeech (Ewok Shaman), & Khungata (Ewok Warrior) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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08/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And we're onto the "K"s, so here's the first 4. Today we've added Corporal Kensaric, Kithaba (Klatooinian Slave/Guard), Klaatu (Nikto Gambler), & Sila Kott (Human Rebel Pilot) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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07/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Only two to finish off the "J"s today, so we've added J-Quille (Whipid Hunter), & Sergeant Junkin (Human Rebel Special Forces Explosives Expert) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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06/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the next episode of Andor, Andor: Season 1: Episode 5: The Axe Forgets. And my short spoiler free review is that it remains slow, but all the world building might not be as inconsequential as I thought, and may be part of a bigger plot. Not that it forgives the episodes being so slow.


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05/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

04/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And we move onto the "J"s of Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, and there's few so here's the first 4. Today we've added Janse (Human Rebel Special Forces Sharpshooter), Colonel Jendon (Human Imperial Pilot), Jess (Human Musician), & Jhoff (Human Imperial Flight Control Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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03/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Only one "I" in Return of the Jedi which isn't already on the site, so today we've added IG-88A (Assassin Droid Bounty Hunter) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.#


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02/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        Only three "H"s today from Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, and we've added Major Haashn (Mon Calamari Rebel Officer / Engineer), Lieutenant Hebsly (Imperial Officer / Pilot), & Herat (Jawa Shaman) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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01/October/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the rest of the "G"s from Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, and today we've added Giran (Nikto Guard), Ghana Gleemort (Gamorrean Guard), Gailid (Human Tax Collector), Greeve (Human Rebel Special Forces Trooper), & Lieutenant Grond (Human Imperial Officer) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.


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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.