Well, some spare time at lunch, so I've added Arakyd Droid Interceptor, Crash Test Droid, Darktrooper Phase 01, Darktrooper Phase 02, Disposable Assassin Droid, General Purpose Worker Droid, Imperial Tactical Assistant Droid, Pit Droids, Maintenence Droid, Dark Eye Probe Droids, RanCorp Body Guard Droid, Mark-8 Destroyer Droid, FIDO Security Droid, Stilleto Assassin Droid, Battlefield Repair Droid, RanCorp SynthDroid, Temere Corp PARA-5173, Camera Droid, Temere Corporation Gattaca Class Androids, Temere Guardian-class War Droid, Temere Sentinel War Droid, Temere Corporation Serpent Obliterator, Slayer Attack Droid/Assault Fighter, Droid Holocam, Trade Federation Aquatic Battle Droid, Trade Federation Battle Droid Commander, Trade Federation Battle Droid, Trade Federation Destroyer Droid, Trade Federation Gunnery Battle Droid, Trade Federation Pilot Droid, Trade Federation STAP Battle Droid, Trade Federation Security Droid, HumAndroid, Mechanized Repair Assistant, LTV-108 Assassin Droid, Refresh-O-Bot to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, all stats from DLOS.