Oh wow, starting the Characters from Rise of Skywalker, and there's a load today, we've added, AD-4M (Resistance Administrative Droid), AL1-L3 (Droid Resistance Soldier), Cassy Algara (Resistance Soldier), Albrekh (Sith Weaponsmith), Aftab Ackbar (Mon Calamari Resistance Officer), BFB-7 (Resistance Droid), Euphaus Biro, Boolio (Miner), Seleno Chandro (Bounty Hunter), Hurrie Chind (Resistance Pilot), Aarton Chireen (Resistance Officer), Nimi Chireen (Resistance Pilot), Merl Cobben (Resistance Pilot), Dreanna Conunda (Resistance Pilot), DT-4431 Tophid Bruster (First Order TIE Fighter Pilot), & CS-9147 (First Order Jet Trooper) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
I can't see myself doing as many characters in one batch again, so back tomorrow to keep on working our way through all the characters in the movie.