Okay, so we're moving onto the more major characters of Rise of Skywalker, and due to the extra work needed on each of these, I can't do as many each day, so a much smaller group of additions today. So we've added, Poe Dameron (as of Rise of Skywalker), Chewbacca (as of Rise of Skywalker), & Landonis Balthazar Calrissian (as of The Rise of Skywalker) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
For Lando and Chewie I went back to the Special Edition Sourcebook from West End Games (WEG40089), and worked the stats forward from there. While Lando needed a bunch of stuff adding, I found that Chewbacca was already incredibly skilled, so I just slightly improved some skills (especially piloting) to update him to Rise of Skywalker.